Minutes 2nd October 2018
Present: Andy Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Chris Lakeman Fraser, Jo Seaman, Tim Sheward, Eden Thomson.
1 Apologies: Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Elaine Philips, Tanya Trenholm.
2 Interests
The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.
3 Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
The bid for a Locality Grant in the sum of £4460 has been successful (grant reference number NPG10402).
AB will draft an article for Shoreline to give an update on the Plan and to publicise the next Open Forum. If the policy statements are ready by then they could be circulated for feedback; if not, the Open Forum will be an opportunity for consultation. If evidence is required on any issue, the Open Forum would be an opportunity to obtain some.
Other Matters Arising are dealt with under 4 below.
4 Review of actions from NHP Workshop held on the 5Th Sept
A draft Preamble has been written, as have draft policies for Housing, Natural Environment and Traffic. Any comments should be sent to the authors of relevant policies.
Action E EP has updated the Preamble, but there is further information (eg recent development, industry in Charmouth in the past) to be included. It was agreed that the Preamble can only be finalised when the rest of the Plan is completed and also that more work needs to be done before decisions about photographs, graphs etc can be made.
Built Environment – Assets and Amenities
Action F Restrictions and covenants regarding sewage treatment works -Awaiting feedback from DC.
Action G SL will be amending the structure of Built Environment to fit the amended contents list; he envisages having a miscellaneous section to cover features that do not fit elsewhere.
Transport and Traffic
Action H AB has produced a draft. It overlaps to some extent with other sections (eg parking appears in three different sections). It was agreed that this is best dealt with at a later stage when the Plan will be subject to an editorial overview.
Natural Environment
Action I Parking - ET has produced a draft (see comment above).
Action J Natural Environment -ET and SE have been through the Local Plan (LP) and annotated the policies accordingly, but it is noted that policies must relate to the 2015 Plan, not the 2018 Plan, which is still in draft form. ET suggested that the relevant parts of the LP could be quoted in an appendix rather than in the main text.
Action K Coastal Management & Great storm exercise -Awaiting feedback from DC.
Action L ET has circulated her notes on the effects of climate change to others in the Steering Group. She suggested making a formal request to Defra on the basis that the Group is engaged ina statutory process and requires information.
Action M Wildlife & natural habitats - ET is in the process of obtaining a list of fauna in Charmouth.
Action N It was agreed that the Assessment Form published by Locality should be used for the Green Spaces Audit. It was agreed that the Open Forum would be a good way to obtain feedback on possible Green Spaces.
Action O Discussion with Nick Cardnell (WDDC) -SE still to do.
Action P TN to provide an App. for measuring green spaces - This may not be necessary, as measurement of Green Spaces is no longer required.
Business and Employment
Action Q After discussion it was agreed that it was worth SE completing the Service Provider questionnaire by adding the information recently received, to be sent to AB when done. SE to ask the Parish Council to complete a questionnaire.
Action S Business, Employment & Tourism policies - AB offered to write an initial draft for TN to complete on her return.
Action T CNP group to propose which services could be shown on a map. Ongoing.
Action U TS has re-drafted the policies.
Action V JW has said that a design consultant may not be necessary, as there is a lot of detail in the Chideock and Charmouth Conservation document; it does not, however, cover other aspects of planning, such as zoning, density etc. Further discussion required, possibly with Jo W.
Other Actions Consider whether there should be a more general development section covering eg lighting, developments outside the boundary etc.
Decide on a “house style” for policies after the meeting with JW.
5 Meeting with Jo Witherden
AB said that JW will be available for a meeting in the week beginning 15th October; he will send her the drafts as written so far so that she can review them and give advice on grouping topics, any need for specialist support, point out what may be missing etc. (Meeting now arranged on Monday 15th October, 10-1pm, The Elms).
6 Managed Realignment Report for Charmouth
See Action L above.
7 Any Other Business
It was agreed that the Open Forum should be at the beginning of December. SE to book Hall. (Neither Hall available, so OF now booked at St Andrew’s Hall, Saturday 5th January).
8 Date of next meeting
It was agreed that another meeting will be needed before the Open Forum and this will be on Tuesday, 20th November, 7.00-8.30pm, at The Elms.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.30pm.
AB Andrew Bateman; DC David Clifford CPC; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Lakeman Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leece; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel CPC; PO Paul Oatway CPC; JS Jo Seaman; TS Tim Sheward; ET Eden Thomson; TT Tanya Trenholm.
(CPC Charmouth Parish Councillor; NP Neighbourhood Plan)