Pre-Submission Consultation
Please complete this form by 1700 hrs on Friday 11th September 2020.
An important part of the process of drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan is a formal six-week consultation period before the draft Plan is sent to Dorset Council for examination.
This is your opportunity to have your say before the Plan is submitted.
All responses received by the above date will be considered by the Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and may be utilised to amend the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.
A Consultation Statement including a summary of all comments received and how these were considered will be made available along with the amended Neighbourhood Plan.
A copy of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed on this web page.
A paper copy of the draft plan is available on request for those who don't have internet access. Please telephone 01297 561024 to loan a paper copy.
How to complete the Form
- This form is intended to assist people in responding to the pre-submission consultation, in particular the policies. You can choose to comment on all or any of the policies but we would especially encourage you to make comments on those policies that you either particularly support or particularly oppose; adding your reasons will help us in the final drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan. There is a section at the end of the Form for general comments as well. Please refer to the policy/paragraph and page that you are commenting on, and be clear what changes you think should be made and why. Please keep your responses as concise as possible.
- Please include your name and address (and organisation if you are responding on their behalf) as we do need your permission under data protection laws to hold any identifying personal information (i.e. a combination of your name and address/email) and also enable us to contact you for further clarification if necessary. We will not make public your name, email or address but we do need to demonstrate we have a clear audit trail of who responded on what issues. This information will be held for a temporary period only until the Plan is approved.
- If you would prefer not to use this online form, you can download the form below and return by email to:
Thank you for your help and support in preparing Charmouth’s Neighbourhood Plan.