Covid 19 - Check Point Reports

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Period Ending 4th July 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to Councillors, where delegated authority has been used following the approval of the scheme of delegation at the Special Meeting held on 25 May 2021. Delegated authority is to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Council or a Committee/Full Council if appropriate.


The tractor has had to be admitted to Buglers again with a problem involving the fuel intake. The estimated costs are approximately £700 plus VAT. This has been approved through delegated authority to be taken from General Reserve MC1.

A new phone is to be sourced for the Beach Office. 

A transfer of £10000 has been made from the Santander Deposit Account (Working Reserve balance) to the Santander Current Account.

A filming request has been approved by a company called North Pacific who have paid £250 plus VAT to film for a couple of hours on Tuesday 29 June for a programme entitled, My New Farm.

An article has been sent to Shoreline for the next edition.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 25/06/2021 Wages £2094.78

(ii) 02/07/2021 Wages £2081.98

(iii) Transfer from San BD-San Current £10000.00


Planning applications will be dealt with by email again until face to face Committee meetings can be held safely, hopefully in July after social distancing is relaxed.

4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. P/HOU/2021/01038 2 Downside Close – Extension and remodelling of existing dwelling.

Submission of the Parish Council’s response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Application No. P/HOU/2021/01661 2 Orchard Close – Proposed garage alterations to form gym/office with bedroom above - The Parish Council has no objection to this application as it

doesn’t appear to affect any neighbouring properties.

Application No. P/OUT/2021/01036 Land East of Nutcombe Close – Outline application for the erection of 1 No. dwelling (All matters reserved) - The Parish Council objects strongly to this

application which is outside the current development boundary. This site was not included in the 2020 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) but when it was reviewed in the 2018 SHLAA (Ref WD/DHTH/003) Dorset Council rejected inclusion on the following grounds.

“Unacceptable impact on townscape and landscape as the site provides a soft edge to village when viewed from A35. Likely highways issues as there appears to be no suitable means of

access. Likely impacts on the setting of the Conservation Area”. This, in the Parish Council’s opinion, makes this site much more contentious than other recently approved applications

outside the defined development boundary. Access to this site is clearly not ideal and would mean increased regular traffic down an already very narrow access road. Finally, as the

Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan is now at the consultation stage it seems appropriate to mention the significance in the plan placed on the medieval stone boundary wall.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Details of an urgent request for tree surgery to Trees at Lower Reaches, Riverway was received and bearing in mind that these trees are covered by a TPO at the request of the Parish Council, Judith Sheppard and Julie Leah visited the site to view the trees in question. They agreed that surgery was required and a notification has since been received from Dorset Council’s Tree Officer confirming that permission has been granted for urgent works.

Lisa Tuck - Clerk                                                                                           5 July 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Period Ending 20th June 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to Councillors, where delegated authority has been used following the approval of the scheme of delegation at the Special Meeting held on 25 May 2021. Delegated authority is to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Council or a Committee/Full Council if appropriate.


Steve Millar’s probationary period has been successfully completed.

Further to approval at the meeting in May, payment of £200 towards the Bowls Club’s “new to them” greens mower has been made.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 11/06/2021 Wages £2072.26

(ii) 18/06/2021 Wages £2081.98

(iii) Supplier Payments (June) £10575.89 (£9750.85 FP)


Planning applications will be dealt with by email again until face to face Committee meetings can be held safely, hopefully in July after social distancing is relaxed.

4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. P/HOU/2021/01661 2 Orchard Close – Proposed garage alterations to form gym/office with bedroom above.

Application No. P/OUT/2021/01036 Land East of Nutcombe Close – Outline application for the erection of 1 No. dwelling (All matters reserved).

Application No. P/HOU/2021/01038 2 Downside Close – Extension and remodelling of existing dwelling.

Submission of the Parish Council’s response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to 

Application No. P/VOC/2021/00677 1 Avery Cottages, Axminster Road – Erection of first floor extension and external roofing works to existing extension and garage (Variation of condition 1 of planning approval WD/D/18/002971) (Amended application and extended consultation period) – The Parish Council has no objections to the amendments this application refers to. 

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Lisa Tuck - Clerk                                                                                           24 June 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Period Ending 6th June 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to Councillors, where delegated authority has been used following the approval of the scheme of delegation at the Special Meeting held on 25 May 2021.


The Insurance renewal notice has been received from Zurich in line with the Council’s three year agreement with them. The renewal cost is within budget at £4617.36. Details of the policy will be considered at the next Finance and General Purposes Committee.

Service of the tractor has been approved at a minimum cost of £800 plus VAT. This will be taken from the existing budget for tractor maintenance of £500 and the remainder from General Reserve MC1. Any additions to the cost will need individual approval. In addition, Buglers had to be called to deal with a broken tractor pipe the cost of which is unknown as yet.

The final Agency agreement with Dorset Council for the grass cutting/spraying has been received and will be formally considered by the Playing Field, Cemetery and Street Management Committee. 

A further 6 month rental has been approved for the Elms Flat.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 28/05/2021 Wages £2085.06

(ii) 04/06/2021 Wages £2072.26


Planning applications will be dealt with by email again until face to face Committee meetings can be held safely, hopefully in July after social distancing is relaxed.

4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. P/VOC/2021/00677 1 Avery Cottages, Axminster Road – Erection of first floor extension and external roofing works to existing extension and garage (Variation of condition 1 of planning approval WD/D/18/002971) (Amended application and extended consultation period) 

Application No. P/HOU/2021/01661 2 Orchard Close – Proposed garage alterations to form gym/office with bedroom above.

Submission of the Parish Council’s response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Application No. P/FUL/2021/00813 9 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Install dormer windows to rear and front elevations – The Parish Council does not have any objections to this application which is similar to one already approved for another property in the row.

Application No. P/LBC/2021/00551 2 Hillside, The Street – Repair 2 chimney stacks, make alterations to interior layout, internal features and replace front door - The Parish Council has no objections to this application which is primarily for internal alterations. As the scheme has been scaled down from a previous withdrawn application and modified to meet the concerns from the Conservation Officer, the Parish Council considers that this application requires the attention of the Conservation Officer to satisfy themselves of the proposed detail.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Lisa Tuck - Clerk                                                                                                        10 June 2021


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Period Ending 23th May 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to Councillors, where delegated authority has been used following the approval of the scheme of delegation at the Special Meeting held on 25 May 2021.


Following recent heavy rains, a leak was reported in the Elms Flat which seems to have been solved by the clearing of the northerly gutter.

In addition, a leak was reported in the Café store room and the thoughts of the surveyor had been sought in case this could be related to the recent pointing works.

Unfortunately, a number of beach huts have been, and continue to be, vandalised. All incidents are reported to the police and beach hut tenants have been informed.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 21/05/2021 Wages £2072.06

(ii) Supplier Payments – May £40789.95 (£7065.30 FP)


Planning applications will be dealt with by email again until face to face Committee meetings can be held safely, hopefully in June after social distancing is relaxed.

4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. P/FUL/2021/00813 9 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Install dormer windows to rear and front elevations.

Application No. P/VOC/2021/00677 1 Avery Cottages, Axminster Road – Erection of first floor extension and external roofing works to existing extension and garage (Variation of condition 1 of planning approval WD/D/18/002971).

Application No. P/LBC/2021/00551 2 Hillside, The Street – Repair 2 chimney stacks, make alterations to interior layout, internal features and replace front door.

Submission of the Parish Council’s response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Application No. P/HOU/2021/00679, Delamer, 21 Hammonds Mead – proposed rear extension and alterations - This is considered to be a prominent site which can be viewed from the foreshore land. The raising of the land up to the boundary adjoining the neighbour to the east causes concerns about privacy/overlooking. As a minimum, boundary treatments (materials, heights etc) should be specified and ‘conditioned’ in any approval. In addition, it is believed that beneath the eastern gully path there is a drainage system as shown in the compliance drawing as part of the planning application for the original house in 2010.

Application No. P/HOU/2021/00143, 1 Axminster Road – Raised patio and relocation of garden shed/summer house - The Parish Council is concerned that this development significantly overlooks the neighbouring property. As this is a retrospective application and therefore can be viewed, it is strongly recommended that a site visit is carried out before any decision is made.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses


4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Lisa Tuck - Clerk                                                                                          19 May 2021


Delegated Authority Check Point Report 2 Week Period Ending 16th May 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


French TV TFI have enquired about filming on the Jurassic Coast at Charmouth. A further approach is awaited.

Room 1 on the Elms 2nd Floor has now been let from 6 May on a tenancy at will basis as agreed.

The Suzuki pickup had to be recovered to Greig and Allen in Bridport with a loud clunking! It was found to have a loose bolt on the gear box and cost £105 plus VAT.

On a positive note, a new Suzuki Carry Pickup has been bought via Torque-GT as agreed. This is a 2009 truck which has done about 12,000 miles and is in very good condition. It also has the added bonus of being 4 wheel drive and has come in under budget at £7120 plus VAT.

A payment of £75 was made to Jo Seaman from the Covid Volunteer Fund to cover the cost of a leaflet recently distributed.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 07/05/2021 Wages £2072.46

(ii) 14/05/2021 Wages £2072.06

(iii) Inter Account Transfers to concur with updated reserves:

Santander Current – Nat West Deposit £12544.87

Santander Current – Lloyds £2212.21

Santander Current – Santander Deposit (precept) £40000.00


Planning applications will be dealt with by email again until face to face Committee meetings can be held safely, hopefully in June after social distancing is relaxed.

4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. P/FUL/2021/00813 9 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Install dormer windows to rear and front elevations.

Application No. P/VOC/2021/00677 1 Avery Cottages, Axminster Road – Erection of first floor extension and external roofing works to existing extension and garage (Variation of condition 1 of planning approval WD/D/18/002971).

Application No. P/LBC/2021/00551 2 Hillside, The Street – Repair 2 chimney stacks, make alterations to interior layout, internal features and replace front door.

Submission of the Parish Council’s response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Application No. P/FUL/2021/00554 Stonebarrow Manor, Stonebarrow Lane - Charmouth Parish Council feels that whilst this property is just outside the Charmouth parish boundary, it is a visually prominent location at the gateway to the village. Charmouth Parish Council therefore objects to the proposal to infill the area between the house and the barns with three additional properties which appears to be over development of the site. In principle there are no objections to the conversion of the house and barns. The Parish Council would also support the Tree Officers comments.

Application No. P/LBC/2021/00184 Stow House, The Street - No objections to what appears to be a straight replacement of an existing lean-to, occupying the same footprint/height etc.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                         19 May 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report 4 Week Period Ending 18th April 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

The reports will revert to weekly if regular meetings are not possible.


Filming has taken place on the beach by Hope and Glory PR involving a sand sculptor on behalf of the Royal Mint. A fee of £500 plus VAT has been paid.

Permission has been granted to CHCC to commence group activities, including fossil walks, for schools in class bubbles in line with Government guidance.

A new email account, in line with the others associated with the website address, is to be set up for the clerk with Sonder Digital amounting to the same monthly cost as the other addresses for the other staff and Councillors. The gradual transition will then be commenced to migrate to the new account. This is due to the DAPTC account having very small amounts of storage and the difficulties sorting it out when it gets full.

Following the death of The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in line with the Protocol for the Death of a Senior Royal, the Parish Council lowered the union flag on the Elms to half mast for the period of mourning. In addition, flowers were laid at the front of the Elms in remembrance and notification was placed on the website, facebook and the notice board at the Elms to inform the public of the position on flowers and that there would be no physical book of condolence due to Covid. Online books of condolence are widely available.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 28/03/2021 Wages £2007.61

(ii) 04/04/2021 Wages £1955.74

(iii) 11/04/2021 Wages £2073.06

(iv) 16/04/2021 Wages £2072.06

(v) Registration of Clerk for CiLCA £410.00

(vi) Purchase of up to date office manuals £166.50


Planning applications will be dealt with by email again until face to face Committee meetings can be held safely, hopefully in June after social distancing is relaxed.

4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. WD/D/21/000089 Lyme Regis Golf Club, Timber Hill, Lyme Regis

Erection of a fence.

Application No. WD/D/21/000128 1 Higher Sea Lane

Construction of hard standing for 2 cars

Application No. P/LBC/2021/00499 Carrum House, The Street

Internal and External Alterations to improve condition and facilities of the property

Tree Application No. P/TRC/2021/01044 Robins, 4 Gardenside

T2 & T5 Flowering Crab - Fell - maintenance T6 Cherry - Fell - maintenance T8 Birch - Fell - maintenance T9 Yew - Prune secondary regrowth back to previous points (2m from boundary fence) - overhanging neighbouring property T11 Holly - Fell – maintenance – Tree Warden has no objections.

Submission of the Parish Council’s response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Application No. WD/D/21/000089 Lyme Regis Golf Club, Timber Hill, Lyme Regis

Erection of a fence - No objection as this is seen as a worthwhile provision on the grounds of safety to the public.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                    19 April 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 21st March 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Water Leak update – A meeting was held with NPB Utilities and a solution suggested by tapping into the existing toilet water supply (which has the meter situated under the ramp to CHCC) and installing a sub-meter and pipe for the factory water. The quote for this amounted to £987 plus VAT which was approved and, following approval by Dorset Council who administer the water supply to the toilets, was undertaken on 17 March. The cost will be met by the insurance company less the excess of £250 which has now been reimbursed from Lanes Group.

Steven Millar started as the new Works Maintenance Assistant on 15 March.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 19/03/2021 Wages £2004.64

(ii) Supplier Payments (March) £5826.38 (£5149.04 FP)   (Additions following F&GP Committee will be ratified by Full Council on 23/3/2021)


Planning applications will now be dealt with by the Planning Committee meeting virtually.

Meetings will continue as per the calendar of meetings (under the “Council Meetings” tab on the website) with dates of any additional meetings being posted on the website as required.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                  23 March 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 14th March 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Water Leak update – Following discussions with various agencies, it has been established that the Council can commission a contractor to dig up its own land and a meeting has been arranged with a contractor recommended by Dorset Council.

A payment has been approved to Jo Seaman of £46 from the Covid Volunteers Fund for further printing.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 14/03/2021 Wages £1713.87


Planning applications will now be dealt with by the Planning Committee meeting virtually.

Meetings will continue as per the calendar of meetings (under the “Council Meetings” tab on the website) with dates of any additional meetings being posted on the website as required.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                18 March 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 7th March 2021 (inc w/e 28th February 2021)


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Water Leak update – This issue is ongoing with the loss adjuster/drainage company considering the options.

Councillors and staff have been informed that a new Works Maintenance Assistant, Steven Millar, is to join the Council on 15 March 2021.

Purchase of a new notice board for outside the beach office has been approved up to a value of £261 plus VAT. This will be taken from the Foreshore General Maintenance Budget.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 26/02/2021 Wages £1726.87

(ii) 05/03/2021 Wages £1713.47

(iii) Additional costs associated with the Factory Pointing £6483.33 (Gen Res SN1)


Planning applications will now be dealt with by the Planning Committee meeting virtually. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 6.00pm. As always, the agenda, including the Zoom joining instructions, will be posted on the Council’s website on the Thursday before the meeting.

Meetings will continue as per the calendar of meetings (under the “Council Meetings” tab on the website) with dates of any additional meetings being posted on the website as required.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                             11 March 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 14th February 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


A sum of £30 was paid to Jo Seaman from the Covid Volunteers Grant to cover the cost of a further leaflet (cost was offset by a donation from Charmouth Stores). 

Following a huge water leak (14l per min) on the main supply to the Factory Building at the Foreshore noticed on Friday 5 February, Wessex Water were unable to locate the leak and sought permission to dig an exploratory 1m trench by the meter. As this is located in the footpath in the field car park, the Facilities Manager met with Jonathan Vincent on the Saturday morning to get the required form signed. The form was not signed and communication was received from the Vincents’ land agent with numerous indemnities required by the Parish Council before access would be allowed. It was not felt possible to concede to the requirements on behalf of the Council as a public body and after consultation with Zurich Municipal, an insurance claim was made at a cost of £250 (excess). A drainage company have been appointed by the Insurance Company and are to attend next Tuesday. 

Interviews have taken place for a new Works Maintenance Assistant and as soon as all the requirements have been met, details of the appointment will be shared.

Cllr Katie Moore is to attend the new Councillor Training offered by DAPTC at a cost of £35 for three separate sessions.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 12/02/2021 Wages £1726.67


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning

Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

The following responses were made this week:

WD/D/20/002966 Charleston Cottage, Charleston House, The Street – Formation of front access door for Charleston Cottage – The Parish Council has no objection in principle but it is felt that the detailed design of the new front door needs improving to gauge its full effect particularly as it's in the Conservation area.

WD/D/20/003262 10 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – The Parish Council has no objection to this application as other houses in the terrace already have dormer windows.

WD/D/20/003263 5 Hammonds Mead – Erect single storey extension - Although the Parish Council does not object in principle, the NE extension does get close to the boundary so it is recommended that the Planners ensure neighbour amenities are not impacted. By adding a new patio area there will be an increase in hard surface coverage so it's important that everything is properly connected to the drainage system.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses


4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard 17 February 2021


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 7th February 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Further to a request from Mr S Postles, a letter has been sent to Natural England seeking permission to move sand on East Beach in mid March to facilitate safe access for the public. Permission has been received.

In conjunction with the agent to enable change over of tenants to the flat, the walls are being repainted in house as well as curtain poles and bathroom accessory purchased. Costs are minimal. The current tenant has been charged for the bathroom accessory, £10 has been deducted from the £100 agreed as compensation for the damaged sofa.

Further to a request via the Covid Volunteers, a donation of £200 has been made to LRDT to provide hot soup delivery to vulnerable Charmouth residents. This has been agreed by the majority of Councillors and taken from the remainder of the Non-Youth Charity Fund.

Due to a change in circumstances, the current tenant has decided to continue the rental of Room1, Elms 2nd Floor for a further year from expiry of the lease on 20 February on a Tenancy at Will basis.

Details of the parent parking scheme trial have been agreed. The School are to be issued with an agreed number of permits on a “sale or return” basis which will be sold for £7 each (to cover the Summer Term). The School will take details of the purchaser linked to numbered permits and will reimburse the Council when sales are completed. Staff will be asked to monitor the trial.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 05/02/2021 Wages £1726.47

(ii) LRDT – Soup delivery service £200.00


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were made this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                         4 February 2021


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 31st January 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


A sum of £46 was paid to Jo Seaman from the Covid Volunteers Grant to cover the cost of a further leaflet.

Following his contracted visit, a quote from Ben Potts to replace an emergency light at the Elms as well as a battery in the fire alarm. The cost of £158.65 plus VAT was approved from Elms Ongoing Maintenance.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 29/01/2021 Wages £1726.47

(ii) Transfer from Santander Dep Ac – Santander Current Ac £73.26

(to make total of GEN8 & GEN12)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

The following response was made this week:

Application No. WD/D/20/002853 3 Gardenside – Installation of Dormer windows, velux windows, alterations to existing Dormers and one to include Juliet Balcony - The Parish Council does not object to this application as there is no increase in footprint or height. However, overlooking of gardens from the new balcony, to each side of this property, could be an issue. It is suggested that the Planning Officer assesses this impact.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                      4 February 2021


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 24th January 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Following a site visit and various quotes, a contract variation to the Factory Pointing contract has been issued to replace the beam above the Fossil Shop entrance at a cost of £895 plus VAT.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 22/01/2021 Wages £1713.67

(ii) Transfer from Santander Dep Ac – Santander Current Ac £30000.00

(iii) Transfer from Nat West Dep Ac – Santander Current Ac £8327.92

(iv) Supplier Payments – January £34776.14 (£30577.69 BACS)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                      25 January 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 17th January 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Two applications were received for the rental of the flat and the Chair and Vice Chair followed the recommendation of the agent. 3 months rent will be paid in advance, with the remainder being paid monthly. A new 6 month contract will be considered rather than a rolling tenancy after the initial 6 months.

The Covid Volunteers have secured a further grant of £200 from DCA.

Following approval of the advert/job spec for the new Works Maintenance Position, this has been advertised widely with a closing date of 12noon on Wed 27 January.

Following complaint about the disposal of the garden waste from the western verges of the village adjacent to the allotment track, this will now be disposed of in the garden bin at the cemetery. This will cost £13.20 per collection.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 08/01/2021 Wages £1713.67


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

The following new application was received this week: WD/D/20/003263 5 Hammonds Mead – Erect single storey extensions.

WD/D/20/002966 Charleston Cottage, Charleston House, The Street – Formation of front access door for Charleston Cottage.

WD/D/20/003262 10 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Erect single storey rear extension and dormer windows.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

The following decision notices were received this week:

WD/D/20/001681 Robins, Gardenside – Demolish conservatory & erect single storey extension; remove rear dormer window & construct new dormer window; demolish chimney stack; convert garage to habitable accommodation; change windows throughout dwelling – Approved.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                       25 January 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 10th January 2021


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


A new printer was purchased for the Facilities Manager, under the Clerk’s delegated authority, as the existing one was malfunctioning. The cost amounted to £34.99 (cheaper than new ink cartridges)!

Notice has been received from the tenant of the Elms Flat. This has been readvertised with the existing agent on a 6 month fixed contract at £625 pcm.

Following the announcement of a 3rd lockdown, the Council’s amenities were once again reviewed from a risk management basis and it was agreed that:

• Playground to remain open (but outdoor gym equipment to be closed);

• Car Park to remain open (to allow people to visit beaches and open spaces in their local area for the purpose of exercise);

• Beach Hut winter lets – hirers to be informed that belongings can remain in the huts and they can be accessed in order to facilitate exercise (ie swimming) but should not be used for sitting, picnicking etc as this is not permitted currently;

• Boats and kayaks not to be used for leisure purposes;

• Elms Council Offices to remain shut to the public;

• All staff to keep working as at present.

The Covid Volunteers have reactivated and a copy of a new leaflet was circulated.

The Elms Ground floor lease was completed. The Council’s agent was instructed to market both rooms on the Elms 2nd Floor and a new EPC is consequently required.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 08/01/2021 Wages £1713.47

(ii) Renewal of Suzuki Insurance £247.41


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

The following new application was received this week: WD/D/20/002853 3 GARDENSIDE - Installation of Dormer windows, velux window, alterations to existing Dormers and one to include Juliet Balcony.

A Tree Application was noted on the portal as follows: WD/D/20/003240 | T1 Ash – Prune, 4 Downside – Tree Warden has no objections.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning

Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses


4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                      14 January 2021

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 20th December 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Following the recent second FOI request regarding Evans Cliff, a response has been sent and a report will be made at the next Council meeting.

A very good specimen dolphin was washed up on the beach and taken by the Natural History Museum.

The heating on the Elms 2nd Floor has now been installed and will hopefully make a difference in the letting potential.

A sum of £46 was paid to Jo Seaman from the Covid Volunteers Grant to cover the cost of a further leaflet.

Further to discussion at the November Council meeting, the planning application for the stepped beach access ramp has been submitted at a cost of £251.83 (£256.00 inc VAT on the admin charge).


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 18/12/2020 Wages £2004.64

(ii) 25/12/2020 Wages (to be paid 24/12/2020) £2004.64

(iii) 01/01/2021 Wages (to be paid 31/122020) £2128.45

(iv) Transfer from Santander Dep – Nat West Dep £5000.00 (in line with updated Reserves)

(v) Supplier Payments – December 2020 £4018.21 (£3654.25 F/Payment)

(vi) Beach Ramp Planning App Fee £251.83


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications were received this week. However, a Tree Application was noted on the portal as follows: WD/D/20/002835, T1 Ash - Fell - in decline - 35 WESLEY CLOSE – Tree Warden has no objections.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Responses sent this week:

• Application No. WD/D/20/002329 Digory, Old Lyme Hill - A part single-storey & part-double-storey extension. Replacement of tiled roof over existing single-storey rear dining area with a flat roof deck & balustrade to create a first floor terrace. All existing Spanish tile roof coverings to be replaced with slate. Conversion of external store room to ground floor dressing room - Although the Parish Council has no objections in principle it would suggest that the following points be considered:

- does the two storey roof line/different pitches blend in with the existing building form/surroundings;

- does the south facing 'look out', terrace, window openings cause overlooking issues and potentially create 'glare';

- note its proximity to the reservoir but this should be commented by the Water Company.

• Application No. WD/D/20/002409 3 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Demolition of conservatory & place roof window - The Parish Council has no objections on the basis that the extension is on a reasonably large plot and isn’t visible from Axminster Rd.

• Application No. WD/D/20/002614 The Workshop, Langmoor Manor, Fernhill – Erection of a store shed (comments due by 19/12/2020) - The Parish Council has no objections and in fact it fits with the impending Neighbourhood Plan aspirations of encouraging small workshops/studios and is under the 100sq m gross floor area, as stated in the proposed BET2 policy.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

The following decision notices were received this week:

• Application No. WD/D/20/002881, Winton House, The Street - Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 7,8 and 9 of planning approval WD/D/19/002031

• Application No. WD/D/20/002582, Winton House, The Street - Request for confirmation of compliance with conditions 3 & 4 of listed building consent WD/D/19/002031

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                         17 December 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 13th December 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


The beach access steps have been further damaged since the quote from Axminster Ironwork was approved and therefore a further £200 has been approved for the latest repairs from the current remaining budget of £1600.

Complaints were received from CHCC regarding the ongoing pointing works at the Old Cement Factory. The builders are being pressed for a schedule of works but it was agreed to undertake the work required on the front (east side) of the building before 18th December when it is hoped that the scaffolding can be removed from this elevation.

Concerns were expressed by the Facilities Manager about the robustness of the cladding and consequently the builders have been asked to use stainless steel screws instead of nails to fix the cladding at an extra cost of £75-£100.

The Annual Maintenance Contract for the car park machine has been approved to commence in February 2021 after the warrantee expires. This contract is with Flowbird and amounts to £662.13 plus VAT and is included in current budgets.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 11/12/2020 Wages £2004.64

(ii) Flowbird Annual Maintenance Contract £662.13

(iii) Beach Steps Repairs (additional) £200.00

(iv) Beach Shop Cladding £100.00


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

• Application No. WD/D/20/002329 Digory, Old Lyme Hill - A part single-storey & part-double-storey extension. Replacement of tiled roof over existing single-storey rear dining area with a flat roof deck & balustrade to create a first floor terrace. All existing Spanish tile roof coverings to be replaced with slate. Conversion of external store room to ground floor dressing room.

• Application No. WD/D/20/002409 3 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Demolition of conservatory & place roof window.

• Application No. WD/D/20/002614 The Workshop, Langmoor Manor, Fernhill – Erection of a store shed (comments due by 19/12/2020).

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

*Please note that due to staff Christmas holidays, comments will be sent on 17 December for all outstanding applications that can’t wait until after 4 January 2021.*

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                           15 December 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 6th December 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


No notable items this week.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 04/12/2020 Wages £2004.84


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

• Application No. WD/D/20/002409 3 Nutcombe Terrace, Axminster Road – Demolition of conservatory & place roof window

• Application No. WD/D/20/002614 The Workshop, Langmoor Manor, Fernhill – Erection of a store shed (comments due by 19/12/2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

*Please note that due to staff Christmas holidays, comments will be sent on 17 December for all outstanding applications that can’t wait until after 4 January 2021.*

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                     10 December 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 29th November 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


The draft agency agreement has finally been received from Dorset Council for the cutting of Footpath 8 from Lower Sea Lane to the Bridge, the weedkilling treatment in The Street and the additional grass cutting around the village. We now await the final version.

A further FOI request has been received relating to the land gifted by Miss Evans. A response is being formulated.

An additional to Scribe has been released to enable plotting of cemetery plots as well as other Council assets (memorial benches etc) and it has been agreed to purchase this addition from the General Subscriptions budget.

The beach access steps have been damaged and a quote from Axminster Ironwork has been approved from the current remaining budget of £1600.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 27/11/2020 Wages £2057.84

(ii) Scribe Cemetery Package £288.00

(iii) Beach Steps Repairs £350.00


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. WD/D/20/002614 The Workshop, Langmoor Manor, Fernhill – Erection of a store shed (comments due by 19/12/2020).

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

*Please note that due to staff Christmas holidays, comments will be sent on 17 December for all outstanding applications that can’t wait until after 4 January 2021.*

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                          1 December 2020




Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 22nd November 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Dorset Council had ordered SSE to remove the electrical fittings on the heritage street lamps as they were apparently unauthorised and unsafe. It was the Parish Council’s recollection that permission was granted when the lamps were upgraded and paid for by the Parish Council in 2011. Retrospective permission was sought from DC and details of the lighting supplied to SSE. SSE have now confirmed that following their survey, the lights can be erected.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 20/11/2020 Wages £2003.64

(ii) 18/11/2020 Supplier Payments £7211.75 (£4549.86 BACS)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

The decision notice has been received for the following application:

Application No. WD/D/20/002199 Backlands Farm, The Street – Non Material Amendment to application WD/D/20/000116 Change of materials on roof and facing walls – approved.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                26 November 2020




Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 15th November 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Details of the new lease for the Elms Ground Floor were received from the Solicitor and agreed by Peter Noel, Judith Sheppard and Paul Oatway.

Two emails were received showing support for the grass cutting on West Cliff and explaining why it is an essential part of grassland management.

Contact was made by Dorset Council regarding the Dog related PSPO and consequently new signs have been ordered and arrangements started for staff to attend training to enable enforcement.

Following an approach from Lyme Regis Lions Club, the Santa Sleigh will visit Charmouth this year.

Andrew Lightfoot is to attend the Councillors Fundamentals training course run by DAPTC at a cost of £30.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 13/11/2020 Wages £2003.44


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

The decision notice has been received for the following application:

Application No. WD/D/20/000872 The Abbots House, The Street – External works to garden, wall and driveway, and removal of modern chimney pots and flush fit vents, and take down rear chimney and rebuild – approved.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                           18 November 2020




Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 8th November 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


A further review/risk assessment of the Council amenities was undertaken and agree unanimously by email following the Government announcement for a 2nd national lockdown starting on Thursday 5 November. All Covid-19 decision notices can be viewed on the website, under the “Notices” tab.

Dorset Council have ordered SSE to remove the electrical fittings on the heritage street lamps as they are apparently unauthorised and unsafe. It is the Parish Council’s recollection that permission was granted when the lamps were upgraded and paid for by the Parish Council in 2011. Retrospective permission has now been sought from DC and details of the lighting supplied to SSE.

Due to ongoing problems with email collection and general use, it has been agreed that a new computer/monitor should be purchased for the Facilities Manager.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 06/11/2020 Wages £2053.24

(ii) 04/11/2020 Computer/Monitor for Facilities Manager £399.99 (exist computer bud)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

However, notification of the lodge of an appeal for Foxley Dene (WD/D/20/000737) has been received and will be considered at the next meeting on 24 November to decide whether further representation should be made before 30 November 2020.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                      12 November 2020




Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 1st November 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


The first CIL payment has been received from Dorset Council (these will be received 6 monthly from April 2020). The current payment amounts to £3282.24 relating to the development at Cove Cottage, Higher Sea Lane and has been added to a new Ringfenced Reserve.

A payment of £45 was made to the Charmouth Covid Volunteers from the fund for the printing of another leaflet.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 30/10/2020 Wages £2002.44

(ii) 28/10/2020 First Aid for Less (outstanding invoices) £112.71


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                  4 November 2020




Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 25th October 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


The first Internal Audit visit took place physically this week with one recommendation that following the adoption of the temporary control measures by email in March due to the cancellation of the meeting, this and the decisions made from 24 March-2 June be ratified by the Council.

Several comments have been received about the grass cutting on West Cliff. Natural England were contacted by a resident and confirmed with the Clerk that they were happy that the Parish Council had undertaken what was specified in the Beach Management Plan. At least one comment had been received about how nice the area now looks.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 23/10/2020 Wages £2002.04

(ii) 22/10/2020 Supplier Payments £7478.02 (£7066.29 by FP)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

The following decision notice had been received:

• Application No. WD/D/20/001001 Land adjoining Fernhill Hotel, Fernhill – Erection of 3no detached houses and garages with associated parking - Refused.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                      27 October 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 18th October 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


There were no notable items this week.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 16/10/2020 Wages £2002.24


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Responses were sent on the following applications:

• WD/D/20/001849 Little Foxley, The Street – Erection of extension. The Parish Council has no objections to this application for a small, single storey extension extending the height/form of an arm of an existing house.

• WD/D/20/001907 Land West of Brackendale, Axminster Road – Erection of 2 dwellings (Variation of condition 1 of planning approval WD/D/20/000494 – Plans list). The Parish Council has no objections to this application which is an amendment to a condition of an approved application.

• WD/D/20/001902 Land to the rear of Alicia Cottage, The Street – Demolition of the rear detached pitch roof garage & erection of 1no. dwelling. The Parish Council objects to this application as although a smaller property, many of the original objections still remain.

The ridge height is below the adjoining Park House albeit still a bit higher than the existing garage. The street elevation does however show the ridge height against Apple Tree Cottage as still considerably higher.

In line with the draft Neighbourhood Plan for Charmouth, clarification would be required as to whether surface water is to drain into the mains and how the provision of 2 car parking spaces for, and site separation of, Alicia Cottage is to be achieved.

Although it is an improved application it remains crammed onto a small site and currently will exacerbate the existing parking problems.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses


4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices received.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                        20 October 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 11th October 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


£336.55 was withdrawn from the Covid Volunteers Fund for the purchase of sanitiser etc for local halls etc.

DC Cabinet approved the Dog related PSPO including the amendment relating to Charmouth Beaches namely that East Beach be the unrestricted beach and West Beach incur the restrictions between 1 May-30 September. Official confirmation from DC is awaited.

Organisation continues for a scaled down Remembrance Day parade/service at the War Memorial to incorporate the 2 minute silence at 11am as it looks increasingly unlikely that a Church Service will not be held this year.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 09/10/2020 Wages £2002.24

(ii) 05/10/2020 Street Poppies Appeal £150.00

(iii) 07/10/2020 N J Clarke Publications (tide tables ad) £130.00

(iv) 06/10/2020 Transfer of precept to Santander Dep Ac £44464.00


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices received.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                          12 October 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 4th October 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Filming permission was given to the BBC for filming a fossil hunting walk with Phil from CHCC for a new property programme. No fees were charged as this is deemed as promoting Charmouth.

Peter Noel and Lisa Tuck held a “catch up” Zoom meeting with the Covid Volunteers (Jo Seaman, Mike Seaman and Melanie Harvey) and the distribution of future leaflets by the Council is to be investigated. The idea of a more encompassing emergency plan was discussed too and Jo Seaman is to create a first draft for discussion at a future Council meeting.

Following a webinar on the planning White Paper, the slides were circulated by Daryl Turner and a briefing note for Town and Parish Councils is expected to follow.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 02/10/2020 Wages £2253.42

(ii) 28/09/2020 Travel Expenses (D Humphrey) £46.80


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Application No. WD/D/20/001247 Lilliput, The Street – Renew and raise single storey rear flat roof, installation of new French doors to rear elevation and renew decking to entire garden area – Approved.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                       12 October 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 27th September 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


All notable items/decisions were reported/authorised at the virtual Council meeting held on Tuesday 22nd September.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 25/09/2020 Wages (book signed) £1922.40


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. WD/D/20/001849 Little Foxley, The Street – Erection of extension.

Application No. WD/D/20/001902 Land to the Rear of Alicia Cottage, The Street – Demolition of the rear detached pitch roof garage & erection of 1no. dwelling.

Application No. WD/D/20/001907 Land West of Brackendale, Axminster Road – Erect of 2 dwellings (Variation of condition 1 of planning approval WD/D/20/000494 – Plans list).

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No response have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices received.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                  28th September 2020



Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 20th September 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


There were no notable items this week.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 15/09/2020 Wages (book signed by JS/MS) £1909.60
(ii) 18/09/2020 Supplier Payments £3613.13 (BACS 3361.45)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses were sent this week.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No new decisions were received this week.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                        22nd September2020




Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 13th September 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


A grant has been received from Dorset Council from the Covid Discretionary Grant Fund of £5547.16.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 08/09/2020 Wages £1909.60

(ii) 08/09/2020 Suzuki MOT requirement work £273.67


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

Application No. WD/D/20/001681 Robins, Gardenside – Demolish conservatory and erect single storey extension; remove rear dormer window & construct new dormer window; demolish chimney stack; convert garage to habitable accommodation; change windows throughout dwelling - In line with the comments made on the previous application (WD/D/20/001578), the Parish Council has no objections to the current application.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Application No. WD/D/20/000331 The Elms, St Andrews Drive – Change of use of ground floor from Therapy Centre (Class D1) to mixed use to include Classes B1a (office), A2 (Financial and professional services) and D1 (non-residential institutions) - Approved.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                       15th September2020



Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 6th September 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Amazingly no notable items this week!


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 02/09/2020 Suzuki tyres x 3 for MOT £122.01

(ii) 02/09/2020 Suzuki windscreen (excess) £75.00


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices received.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                 10th September2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 30th August 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


The Covid Volunteers have applied for and received a further grant of £500 from Dorset Community Fund.

Following the diary of courses recently circulated from DAPTC, Cllr Katie Moore has been booked on the three part course relating to Planning. This amounts to £117 to be taken from the Training Budget.

It was agreed in principle by email (6 responses received) that the beach hut winter lets be arranged prior to official approval on 22 September to ensure smooth transition.

Following scouring by Storms Ellen and Francis, approval was sought and received from Natural England to replace the beach in order to cover the tank trap. This has yet to be undertaken.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 28/08/2020 Wages £1922.20

(ii) 04/09/2020 Wages £1909.80

(iii) 28/8/2020 Highwood (add cost of Kubota service) £276.06

(iv) 21/08/2020 Amazon (tablet for Just Park app) £39.57


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Application No. WD/D/20/001308 Yarrow, 3 Westcliff Road – Request for confirmation of compliance with condition 6 of planning approval WD/D/17/002477 – Hedging – Approved.

Application No. WD/D/19/001975 St Andrews House, St Andrews Drive – T1 Holly – Remove dead part under Regulation 14 (S198). Application received/validated by DC 21/8/20 and approved 27/8/2020 presumably for urgent H&S reasons.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                                       1st September2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 23rd August 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Following a request from CHCC, including mitigation measures, it was agreed that School Fossil Hunting walks could commence for all registered walks leaders in September/October on the basis laid out.

Confirmation was received from Dorset Council that the Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund is now open to Town and Parish Councils provided that the criteria can be met. On this basis, an application has been submitted explaining the loss of income so far this year.

Following the diary of courses recently circulated from DAPTC, the Chair has been booked on the three part course relating to Planning. This amounts to £117 to be taken from the Training Budget.

The Parish Council has been informed that in addition to the service held in Charmouth Library on Thursday of each week, a Post Office service will now be held at the Village Hall, Wesley Close on Fridays from 10.15am – 1.30pm. The service will be held on Friday 28th August and then continuously from Friday 11th September until Christmas (Please note: no service on Friday 4th September).


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 21/08/2020 Wages £1909.60

(ii) 21/08/2020 Supplier Payments (August) £11823.57 (total £11979.70)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No new applications received this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Application No. WD/D/20/001844 Land West of Brackendale, Axminster Road – Request for confirmation of compliance with condition 3 of planning approval WD/D/20/000494 – Proposed materials – Approved.

Application No. WD/D/19/002029 / WD/D/19/002031 Winton House, The Street – Alterations to Winton House to accommodate the conversion of the shop to a separate dwelling – Approved.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                                                       25th August 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 16th August 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow Councillors, where the Chair or Vice-Chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Following a discussion between the Clerk and Dorset Council Environmental Health, confirmation has been received that the consultation on the Pubic Space Protection Order relating to dogs is now closed and the results and recommendations will be reported to Committee on 21 September 2020. The Parish Council will be informed prior to that what the recommendations are and can send a representative to the meeting (which could be Daryl Turner). Most importantly they are now saying there is no opt out option.

Following issues occurring as a result of offshore winds and a request as to whether a flag could be flown, it was explained that the flag pole was taken away due to advice that flags should only be flown if this could happen consistently every day. It has been agreed to use a chalk board outside the beach office when the beach attendants are on duty to advise when offshore winds are prevalent.

A response was sent to a communication received by the Chair concerning the East Beach Concession. Confirmation was given of what was agreed following a visit by the Chair and Chair of Foreshore recently, ie, that the decked area had been constructed wrongly and would remain down until the end of the season when it would be recitified.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:
(i) 14/08/2020 Wages £1909.60


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

Application No. WD/D/20/001681 Robins, Gardenside – Demolish conservatory & erect single storey extension; remove rear dormer window & construct new dormer window; demolish chimney stack; convert garage to habitable accommodation; change windows through dwelling.

This application appears to be the same as Application No. WD/D/19/001578 approved previously, except for the addition to render to the old garage and change of windows throughout. Previously the Parish Council had no objections as there is no apparent changes to the footprint or height of the existing building.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observations made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently Responded to

No responses have been sent.

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Application No. WD/D/20/000703 6 Georges Close – Erect porch to front of property – approved.

Application No. WD/D/20/000253 Beach Chalet Adjacent Car Park, Charmouth Beach, Lower Sea Lane – Make alterations to convert redundant toilets to beach chalet (with variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission 1/D/13/000282 amending the occupancy condition) – approved at Committee following reiteration by the Parish Council of its previous comments, "The Parish Council object to this application as it is felt that the original approval in 2013 is adequate and it would not want to see the conditions relaxed any further."

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                                                      17th August 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 9th August 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Emergency Active Travel Fund, Tranche 2 – Daryl Turner asked for support for a 20 mph area for the Street & Lower Sea Lane in Charmouth as well as areas in Lyme Regis. As well as the idea of the street closures for both primary schools, again in both Lyme & Charmouth which was hoped would encourage biking to school. Following circulation to all Councillors and positive responses from the majority(4) and no response from 3, a response was sent agreeing to the proposals in principle, with more information required on the street closure idea.

Dorset Council sought locations to erect signs discouraging littering issued by Keep Dorset Tidy. An approach had already been made direct from Keep Dorset Tidy and it had been agreed by the Chair of Foreshore/Clerk that there isn’t a big issue with litter in Charmouth and therefore they are not necessary at the present time. This was reiterated to Dorset Council but unfortunately a large sign appeared at the western end of the village near the bypass. Dorset Council have been asked to remove the sign.

Following notice to leave by the current tenants, Room 1 on the 2nd floor of the Elms will be re-marketed by Martin Diplock at the same cost as previously of £500 plus VAT.

The School PTA once again sought permission to hold a duck race at the mouth of the river Char but on a virtual basis this year. The same response as previously was sent regarding the fact that selling/congregating on Evans Green is prevented by the covenants.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 07/08/2020 Wages £1,909.40

(ii) 04/08/2020 Remembrance Day Church Flowers £295.00

On the basis that if this year’s parade and service does

not proceed, flowers will not be provided/charged for


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were pending a response this week. However a Planning Committee invitation had been received regarding Application No. WD/D/20/000253 BEACH CHALET ADJACENT CAR PARK, CHARMOUTH BEACH, LOWER SEA LANE, CHARMOUTH. No-one was able to attend the virtual meeting and therefore the previous comments on this application were re-iterated, "The Parish Council object to this application as it is felt that the original approval in 2013 is adequate and it would not want to see the conditions relaxed any further."

Concern was expressed about renewed encroachment onto Footpath 12 adjacent to Cove Cottage and representation to Dorset Council is being considered. An email had also been received from the owner of Cove Cottage regarding pollution from a broken pipe. This was referred to Wessex Water/Dorset Council Enviromental Health.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently made a Response

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                      10th August 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 2nd August 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


A draft “moving forward” notice was circulated to all Councillors to try and have a plan to implement fairly quickly if legislation changes significantly from when this was considered at the Council meeting on 7th July, to enable the beach huts to be open.  4 responses agreed with the notice, there were two “no response” and one would be happy to see the blue and green open now.  Due to the lack of unanimous approval, the notice has not been published.

Now that the beach/foreshore area is very busy due to the “staycation” culture and good weather, many enquiries are received on a daily basis regarding rubbish, dogs on the beach, parking etc.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)    31/07/2020             Wages   £1,922.40

(ii)   27/07/2020             Upgrade of Broadband speed at the Council office - as part of Onecom annual reivew –

                                      first year free by way of a credit off first bill per month   £4.90 per month

(iii)  29/07/2020             Additional costs related to the Tractor service     £200.00


4.1             Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

No applications were pending a response this week.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2               Applications that the Parish Council has recently made a Response

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

4.3               Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

No decision notices were received.

Peter Noel
Judith Sheppard                                                                                                     2nd August 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 26th July 2020 


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports. 


A special Council meeting was held on 21st July to appoint a new Vice Chair.  Judith Sheppard was unanimously appointed as Vice Chair until the next Annual Meeting of Council in May 2021. 


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report: 

(i) 24/07/2020 Wages £1,909.80 


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council 

The following applications are on the portal but tree applications are no longer officially sent to the Parish Council for consultation.  Judith Sheppard attempted to make contact with the householder to arrange a visit in the absence of an official Tree Warden but did not receive a response.  No comments were made. 


T25 - Leyandii - Reduce height to 4 metres high, T26 - Leyandii - Reduce height to 3 metres high, 

T27 - Leylandii - Reduce height to 2.5 metres high, T28 - Leylandii - Reduce height to 2 metres high 


T11 - Bay - Reduce height by 1 metre and reshape, T15 - Bay - Reduce height by 3 metres and reshape 

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal. 

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently made a Response 

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses ( 

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

 No decision notices were received. 

Peter Noel 
Judith Sheppard                                                                                     27th July 2020 

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 19th July 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


Paul Oatway resigned as Vice Chair and from the Planning, HR and Emergency Committees. A Special Council Meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 21 July 2020 at 07.30pm to appoint a new Vice Chair.

The Coastwatch were granted permission to undertake an asbestos survey on the Lookout Building and install vinyl flooring at their own cost.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 17/07/2020 Wages £1,909.40

(ii) 13/07/2020 Purchase of Micro Sol sprayer and solution £220.49

(iii) 13/07/2020 Neighbourhood Plan Printing (re-ad consultation) £200-£300

(from existing budget)


4.1 Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

WD/D/20/001104 – 5 Hammonds Mead, Charmouth – Erect single storey extensions and patio areas. (Consultees response due before 10th July 2020) – This application has been withdrawn.

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2 Applications that the Parish Council has recently made a Response

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

WD/D/20/001247 – Lilliput, The Street, Charmouth - Renew and raise single storey rear flat roof, installation of new French doors to rear elevation and renew decking to entire garden area. (Consultation response required before 18th July 2020) – No objections.

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

Application No. WD/D/20/001324 Larus Lea, Westcliff Road. Grant of Non Material Amendment to Application No. WD/D/19/00168.

Application No. WD/D/19/002430 Honeywood, Lower Sea Lane. Grant of Non Material Amendment to Application No. WD/D/18/001122.

Application No. WD/D/20/000737 Foxley Dene, Old Lyme Road. Refusal of application to erect 1No. dwelling with access and parking.

Peter Noel                                                                                                       20th July 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 12th July 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


With regard to the transfer of Lease 1 from two leases to one, it was agreed not to seek an authorised guarantee.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

                      (i) 10/07/2020                   Wages                                                                                                                                  £1,909.60


4.1  Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

WD/D/20/001104 – 5 Hammonds Mead, Charmouth – Erect single storey extensions and patio areas.  (Consultees response due before 10th July 2020) – This application has been withdrawn.

WD/D/20/001247 – Lilliput, The Street, Charmouth - Renew and raise single storey rear flat roof, installation of new French doors to rear elevation and renew decking to entire garden area.  (Consultation response required before 18th July 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2  Applications that the Parish Council has recently made a Response

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

No applications were commented on this week.

4.3 Decisions Regarding Planning Applications


Peter Noel                                                                                                13th July 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 5th July 2020

1.  Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2.  Notable Items


3.  Authorities Granted

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)   22/06/2020             Wages                                                                                            £1,909.60
(ii)  29/06/2020             Repairs to the Tractor                                                                     £139.01

4.  Planning Applications

4.1          Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

WD/D/20/001104 – 5 Hammonds Mead, Charmouth – Erect single storey extensions and patio areas.  (Consultees response due before 10th July 2020).

WD/D/20/001247 – Lilliput, The Street, Charmouth - Renew and raise single storey rear flat roof, installation of new French doors to rear elevation and renew decking to entire garden area.  (Consultation response required before 18th July 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2          Applications that the Parish Council has recently made a Response

Please visit Dorset Council’s web site for full details of the Parish Council’s responses (

WD/D/20/001324 – Larus Lea, Westcliff Road, Charmouth – Amendment to planning permission reference WD/D/19/001683 Remove planter from front elevations, window to guest bedroom and bedroom two revised, window to west elevation added to replace existing and timber cladding removed and replaced with stone.  .  The Parish Council made a ‘No Objection’ response

WD/D/20/001363 – 1 Wesley Close, Charmouth, - (T1) Hornbeam – Reduce tree by 1-2m to lift crown to 3m.  The Parish Council made a ‘No Objection’ response.

4.3          Decisions Regarding Planning Applications


Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                    6th July 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 28th June 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


2.1          Green Beach Huts

The replacement beach huts were delivered on Wednesday 24th June.

2.2         Foreshore Public Toilets

Dorset Council announced that the foreshore public toilets will be open from 9am until 8pm each day as from Saturday 27th June 

2.3         War Memorial 

The contractor has sent information that they intend to commence their works on Monday 20th July and that the works will last 5 days.


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)      22/06/2020                Wages   £1,969.48

(ii)    23/06/2020                Payment of invoice from Beaminster Sheds          £5,016.00

(iii)   25/06/2020                Electrical and Gas safety certificates (Ground Floor Flat) £200.00


4.1             Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

WD/D/20/001247 – Lilliput, The Street, Charmouth - Renew and raise single storey rear flat roof, installation of new French doors to rear elevation and renew decking to entire garden area.  (Consultation response required before 18th July 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2            Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

WD/D/20/000398            Parklands, Devonedge Lane, Charmouth - Erect garage/car port. Application Approved subject to a number of conditions relating to building materials including the roof which is to be a slate roof.

WD/D/20/000490 – Alicia Cottage, The Street, Charmouth – Demolition of detached garage. Separation of the existing plot, and erection of dwelling.  Application refused.  The letter of refusal picks up the many points that the Parish Council submitted, when responding to the consultation process. 

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                                 29th June 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 21st June 2020


The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.


2.1               Resignation of a Councillor

Cllr. Kay Solomon resigned from the Council with effect from 15th June 2020.  Mrs. Solomon resignation is because she is moving away from Charmouth.

2.2               Virtual Parish Council Meeting

Members agreed that the next virtual Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th July commencing at 7.30pm.  Details of the ‘Zoom’ connection will be published within the meeting agenda.

2.3               The Old Cement Factory

All the scaffolding and other item, which were part of the repointing works, were removed by Wednesday 17th June.

2.4               Change to Guided Fossil Walks Code

A temporary Guided Fossil Walk Code was issued that allows for guided walks (for profit for up to a maximum of six people in each group whilst the current COVID-19 restrictions are in place.  The temporary guide is available to view on the Parish Council web site ( and look under ‘Fossil Walks Policy Covid 19’.    


The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)      15/06/2020                Wages                                          £1,935.00
(ii)    18/06/2020                June’s Suppliers Payments          £10,207.14


4.1               Applications Pending a Response from the Parish Council

WD/D/20/001104 – 5 Hammonds Mead, Charmouth – Erect single storey extensions and patio areas. (Consultees response due before 10th July 2020).

WD/D/20/001324 – Larus Lea, Westcliff Road, Charmouth – Amendment to planning permission reference WD/D/19/001683 Remove planter from front elevations, window to guest bedroom and bedroom two revised, window to west elevation added to replace existing and timber cladding removed and replaced with stone.  (Consultation response due before 6th July) WD/D/20/001363 – 1 Wesley Close, Charmouth, - (T1) Hornbeam – Reduce tree by 1-2m to lift crown to 3m (Consultation response due before 12th July)

WD/D/20/001308 – Yarrow, 3 Westcliff Road – Request for confirmation of compliance with condition 6 of planning approval WD/D/17/002477 (No response required from the Parish Council – for information only)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

4.2               Decisions Regarding Planning Applications

WD/D/20/000607 Cherry Tree Cottage, Meadow Way, Charmouth, Raise flat roof on garage and add glazed lantern to form new ancillary accommodation.  Application Approved subject to a number of conditions including ‘The ancillary accommodation hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the main dwelling….

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                                    8th June 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 14th June 2020

1.  Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2.  Notable Items

2.1  The Old Cement Factory

Because of a number of problems the repointing works have been suspended and the scaffolding will be removed by 26th June. 

2.2  East Beach Concession

There have been constructional issues with the folding platform in front of the East Beach Kiosk and an agreement has been reached with the concessionaire to leave the platform in the ‘down’ position for the summer period whilst a new design is created and the required items manufactured.

3.  Authorities Granted 

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)      08/06/2020          Refunds of beach hut weekly bookings                                   £294.00

(ii)    08/06/2020          Wages for weekending 12th June 2020                                   £1,909.80

(iii)   10/06/2020          Additional repairs to the Old Cement Factory window             £250.00

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                 8th June 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 7th June 2020

1.  Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2.  Notable Items

2.1  Virtual Parish Council Meeting

Following the lockdown and the enforced cancellation of all meetings from 23 March, the first Virtual meeting was held on Tuesday 2 June 2020 at 10.30am.  It was agreed that rather than following the usual meeting structure, Full Council meetings will be held virtually as and when required (probably monthly) until face to face meetings can resume.  In addition, occasional virtual Planning Committee meetings may be required.

2.2  The Old Cement Factory

Scaffolding has been erected around The Old Cement Factory so that repointing may commence. 

2.3  East Beach Concession

Approval was given for machinery to complete the rubbish removal and levelling associated with the replacement East Beach Concession Kiosk

2.4  Recreation Ground

Football Club to recommence training at the Recreation Ground in line with Government guidelines, but excluding use of the pavilion.

3.  Authorities Granted 

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 1/06/2020 Wages for week ending 5th June      £1,909.40

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                8th June 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 31st May 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

(i)      WD/D/20/000944 Charmouth Stores, The Street, Charmouth – Following the virtual Planning Committee meeting held on 28th May, the Committee agreed to object to the planning applications on two grounds (potential noise from the external fans and the ground mounted solar panels) and made one recommendation (the conservation officer should consider the impact of the roof mounted solar panels); and

(ii)    WD/D/20/001001 Land Adjoining Fernhill Hotel, Fernhill, Charmouth – Following a consultation the Committee agreed to object because (a) the development is outside the designated development boundary in a location that is not sustainable, (b) not affordable housing; (c) issues around the water and sewage supplies; lack of clarity in the biodiversity plan; and the visual impact of the development should the trees be removed (TPO requested).

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

3. Authorities Granted

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)     27/05/2020                Wages                                                     £1,922.40
(ii)    27/05/2020                Transfer of funds between accounts        £608.11

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                              26th May 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 24th May 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Car Park 

It was unanimously agreed to open the car park, subject to Dorset Council opening the public toilets at the Foreshore.

2.2 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

(i)      WD/D/20/000872; The Abbots House, The Street, Charmouth; (The Parish Council made no objections to the application and supported the recommendation of the Environment Health teams about the requirement to report any contaminated land being found.)

(ii)    WD/D/20/000944 Charmouth Stores, The Street, Charmouth; (consultations to be submitted before 29th May 2020) (there will be a virtual Planning committee meeting to be held on 28th May, commencing at 10:30 am); and

(iii)   WD/D/20/001001 Land Adjoining Fernhill Hotel, Fernhill, Charmouth, (consultations to be submitted before 29th May 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

3. Authorities Granted 

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i) 19/05/2020     Wages £1,909.80

(ii) 19/05/2020     Suppliers’ payments   £5,206.67

(iii) 21/05/2020     Servicing of the Kubota           £250.00

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                  26th May 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 17th May 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Car Park 

By a majority of 6 to 1, the councillors agreed to keep the car park closed.

2.2 Repointing of The Elms and The Old Cement Factory 

Authority was granted to the building contractor to recommence their repointing works at The Elms and the commence with the repairs of the storm damaged window frame at The Old Cement Factory and to also commence the repointing works at the same site.

2.3 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

WD/D/20/000872; The Abbots House, The Street, Charmouth; (consultations to be submitted before 22nd May 2020);

WD/D/20/000944 Charmouth Stores, The Street, Charmouth; (consultations to be submitted before 29th May 2020): and

WD/D/20/001001 Land Adjoining Fernhill Hotel, Fernhill, Charmouth, (consultations to be submitted before 29th May 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

3. Authorities Granted

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

11/05/2020        Wages for week ending 15th May 2020    £1909.60

12/05/2020        Zoom Video conferencing (one year’s supply)      £150.00

14/05/2020        H&S materials for staff   £393.00

4. In-Committee Items

Lease - Further considerations.  

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                               21st May 2020

Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 10th May 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1       East Beach Kiosk

The works for the replacement of the kiosk on East Beach will commence on 18th May 2020 provided that the additional method statement conditions are met:

“The Council are willing to agree with your timescales provided that you can provide the following prior to commencement:

A clear time plan from the contractor which includes a definitive statement regarding social distancing;

A clear statement for the general public regarding areas to be cordoned off and for how long.

The Council will then issue a statement on social media including a narrative of activities and time scales.  This can then be used in case of queries by the general public.”

2.2       Video Conferencing

The Parish Council will open a video conferencing account using the Zoom application.  The cost to the Parish Council is £11.99 per month, as we are likely to exceed the constraint of 40 mins duration at any one time.  The current intention is to use the application as little as possible (maybe monthly but a short meeting to deal with any urgent issues).  The Parish Council will need a virtual meeting at the beginning of June to agree the Accounts and some other important issues.  It is our intention to continue the current business process for all of the approvals and delay all non-urgent issues for the time being.  The Planning Committee will continue to correspond by ‘all committee members’ emails. 

2.3       Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

WD/D/20/000490; Alicia Cottage, The Street, Charmouth (The Parish Council objected on multiple grounds);

WD/D/20/000872; The Abbots House, The Street, Charmouth; (consultations to be submitted before 22nd May 2020);

WD/D/20/000944 Charmouth Stores, The Street, Charmouth; (consultations to be submitted before 29th May 2020): and

WD/D/20/001001 Land Adjoining Fernhill Hotel, Fernhill, Charmouth, (consultations to be submitted before 29th May 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

Dorset Council has approved the following applications:

(a) WD/D/20/000494 Land West of Brackendale, Axminster Road, Charmouth (Erection of 2 dwellings)

3. Authorities Granted 

The following financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous Check Point Report:

(i)04/05/2020            Wages for week ending 8th May 2020            1,909.40

4. In-Committee Items

Lease - Further considerations.

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                 11th May 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 3rd May 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Foreshore Dog Rules

It has been agreed that the dog rules over the foreshore shall be relaxed during the period of the COVID-19 lock down.

2.2 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

WD/D/20/000703;      6, Georges Close, Charmouth – No objections – Supported the Environmental Heath comments.

WD/D/20/000398:      Parklands, Devonedge Lane, Charmouth – No objections - Strongly supported the Conservation Officer’s report.

WD/D/20/000490;      Alicia Cottage, The Street, Charmouth (consultations before 10/05/2020); and

WD/D/20/000872;      The Abbots House, The Street, Charmouth; (consultations to be submitted before 22nd May 2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

3. Authorities Granted

The following Financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous check point report:

27/04/2020     Wages for week ending 1st May 2020           1,922.60

4. In-Committee Items

Lease issues.

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                                   4th May 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 26th April 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘Check Point Report’ is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair have used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Charmouth COVID-19 Volunteer Team

By acting as referee, we have secured a £1,000 grant for the Charmouth COVID-19 Volunteer Team from Dorset Coronavirus Community Fund. The funding will cover various expenses incurred running the team (e.g. stationary, printing costs, consumables, running cost, etc.).

2.2 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

(i) WD/D/20/000607; Cherry Tree Cottage, Meadow Way, Charmouth (The Parish Council submitted a response and has made no objection to this application);
(ii) WD/D/20/000703; 6, Georges Close, Charmouth (consultations before 27/04/2020);
(iii) WD/D/20/000398: Parklands, Devonedge Lane, Charmouth (Amended application) (consultations before 28/04/2020; and
(iv) WD/D/20/000490; Alicia Cottage, The Street, Charmouth (consultations before 10/05/2020)

It has been agreed within the Parish Council that submissions of its response to the consultations won’t be posted until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

3. Authorities Granted

The following Financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous check point report:

(i) 20/04/2020 Wages for week ending 24th April 2020 £1,909.40
(ii) 20/04/2020 Ink cartridges £46:56
(iii) 21/04/2020 Charmouth COVID-19 Volunteer Team Funds Agreement

4. Emerging Issues

4.1 Bowls Club

As many will have seen reported within FaceBook’s Charmouth Notice Board a lawn mower was stolen from the Bowls Club store. The lawn mower is the property of the Parish Council. We have lent the Bowls Club another lawn mower whilst the situation is being resolved.

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                            27th April 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 19th April 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘check point’ report is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Foreshore Car Park

The Foreshore Car Park, which was closed on Saturday 29th March to deter people from outside the village using the foreshore as a beauty spot or leisure facility, remains closed. The situation was formally reviewed on 19th April and it was decided to keep the Car Park closed. Peter Noel is continuing to monitor the situation, both from within the village (public reaction) and any advice from Dorset Council.

2.2 Cemetery

In light of the following statement made by The Rt. Hon. Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government on Saturday 18th April:

“…..[a]nd I’m also asking councils to keep open or indeed reopen cemeteries and graveyards. Not for people to congregate in. That must not happen. But for people to make that private visit. To seek solace in a word at the grave of someone you have loved. Or to privately lay flowers.”

Although a formal notice of guidance has not been issued to vary the previous Government instruction, the Cemetery was opened to the public on Sunday 19th April and a notice to that effect on the Charmouth Parish Council’s FaceBook page.

2.3 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

(i) WD/D/20/000607; Cherry Tree Cottage, Meadow Way, Charmouth (consultations before 26/04/2020);
(ii) WD/D/20/000703; 6 Georges Close, Charmouth (consultations before 27/04/2020); and
(iii) WD/D/20/000398 Parklands, Devonedge Lane, Charmouth (Amended application) (consultations before 28/04/2020;

It have been agreed within the Parish Council that it won’t submit its response to the consultations until the day before the cut-off date, so that the Planning Committee may consider any residents observation made either directly to the Parish Council or ‘posted’ on Dorset Council’s planning portal.

3. Authorities Granted

The following Financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous check point report:

(i) 14/04/2020 Repayment of surplus Neighbourhood Plan Grant £83.53
(ii) 16/04/2020 Four replacement beach huts £4,800.00
(iii) 16/04/2020 Decrease the Buildings Insurance proportion in the new Ground Floor lease from 30% to 25%
(iv) 16/04/2020 Provision of a partition in the Ground Floor large room £1,562.80
(v) 16/04/2020 Provision of a fire alarm ‘break’ call point to be fitted by the patio doors in the room to be partitioned £130.00
(vi) 16/04/2020 Transfer from the Santander Business Deposit Account to the Current Account £20,000

4. Emerging Issues

Regarding bonfires, the Parish Council continues to circulate the advice from Dorset Council and the Fire Service, which is not to have bonfires at the current time.

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                       20th April 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 12th April 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘check point’ report is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Foreshore Car Park

The Foreshore Car Park, which was closed on Saturday 29th March to deter people from outside the village using the foreshore as a beauty spot or leisure facility, has remained closed.  Peter Noel is continuing to monitor the situation, both from within the village (public reaction) and any advice from Dorset Council.

2.2 Cemetery

The Cemetery remains closed in accordance with HM Government’s instructions, except for funerals as per the instruction.  A closure notice has been placed on the Lych Gate. 

2.3 Planning Applications

The Dorset Council is consulting the Parish Council on the following planning applications;

(i)     WD/D/20/000607; Cherry Tree Cottage, Meadow Way, Charmouth;
(ii)    WD/D/20/000703; 6 Georges Close, Charmouth;
(iii)   WD/D/19/002812 13 Downside Close, Charmouth (Amended application)
(iv)   WD/D/20/000398 Parklands, Devonedge Lane, Charmouth (Amended application); 

3. Authorities Granted 

The following Financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous check point report:

(i)     7/04/20           Wages for week ending Friday 17 April 2020.                       £1909.40
(ii)    7/04/20           s137 Grant to Charmouth COVID-19 Volunteer Team           £100.00

4. Emerging Issues

Regarding bonfires, the Parish Council is currently circulating the advice from Dorset Council and the Fire Service, which is not to have bonfires at the current time.

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                                  14th April 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 5th April 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘check point’ report is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and any exception reports.

2. Notable Items

2.1 Foreshore Car Park

The Foreshore Car Park, which was closed on Saturday 29th March to deter people from outside the village using the foreshore as a beauty spot or leisure facility, has remained closed.  Peter Noel is continuing to monitor the situation, both from within the village (public reaction) and any advice from Dorset Council.

2.2. Cemetery

The Cemetery has been closed in accordance with HM Government’s instructions, except for funerals as per the instruction.  A closure notice has been placed on the Lych Gate.

2.3 Planning Applications

The Planning Committee has agreed, via electronic correspondence, responses to three planning applications (details available from Paul Oatway if required by any parish councillor):

(i)    WD/D/20/000398 Parklands, Devonedge Lane, Charmouth;
(ii)   WD/D/20/000494 Land West of Brackendale, Axminster Road, Charmouth; and
(iii)  Planning Consultation WD/D/20/000737 Foxley Dene, Old Lyme Road, Charmouth.

3. Authorities Granted

The following Financial authorisations have been approved, since the previous check point report:

(i)     30/03/20    Staff O/T approval for previous Saturday’s call out (Car Park)
                          (gross inc. NIEC and Pension contributions                                                                       £30.00
(ii)    01/04/20    Flowbird Invoice (Car Park machine)                                                                                 £5,924.40 (Gross)
(iii)    01/04/20   Transfer of funds between accounts                                                                                  £20,000.00
(iv)   01/04/20    Further transfer of funds between different accounts as a result of updating reserves     £20,000.00
(v)    01/04/20    Reserves (end of year) schedule                                                                                      £115,134.87(Less Commitments £11,695)
(vi)   02/04/20    Wages for weekending 9th April 2020                                                                               £1,918.27

Peter Noel                          
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                               6th April 2020


Delegated Authority Check Point Report Week Ending 29th March 2020

1. Introduction

The purpose of this ‘check point’ report is to provide information to fellow councillors, where the Chair or Vice-chair has used their delegated authority following the recent amendments to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations.

1.1 Notable Issues

The Parish Council has closed the Foreshore Car Park to deter people from outside the village using the foreshore as a beauty spot or leisure facility.  This was in line with actions taken by Lyme Regis Town Council and Dorset Council.  Mr. Vincent has followed our suggestion and closed his car parks.

Because the Foreshore Car Park does not have a gate or barrier to close off the entrance, shingle from the beach has been placed across the entrances blocking vehicle access and a road closed sign placed near the junction of Lower Sea lane and Hammonds Mead.  The placing of shingle has been done to deter the determined members of society who might push over ordinary barriers, fences or alike, just to park their cars near the sea.

To achieve this a staff member was requested to attend, although it was not his duty day, to drive the tractor with Peter Noel supervising.  The task took over three hours to complete.  We have suggested that the staff member is paid overtime rather than time off in lieu as he was called out on what is normally his rest day.

There is nothing to stop residents of Charmouth from walking to the foreshore and ‘exercising’ either on the foreshore or on the adjoining Evans Cliff or the cliffs to the west of the Heritage Centre.  Although access through the car parks may will be difficult, there are plenty of alternative walking routes to the foreshore.

Also, please note that Dorset Council has closed the foreshore toilets and the toilets adjacent to the Lower Sea Car Park, although these facilities will be reopened during the week.

Following a consultation with other councillors the Parish Council does not intend to open the Foreshore Car Park during the week.

Additionally, although the office emailed last week to all beach hut tenants stating that the beach huts should not be use in-accordance with HM Government’s instructions as they were a leisure facility, there had been reports of the huts still being used.  Therefore notices were place on the door of each hut stating that hut should not be used.

2. Authorities Granted

The following Financial authorisations have been approved

(i)   24/03/2020           The Elms Repointing  -  Contract Variation Number 3               £1,075.00
(ii)  25/03/2020           Wages W/E 3rd April - approved                                                £1,860.88
(iii) 25/03/2020           Additions to supplier payments approved by F&GP Cttee          £257.88
(iv) 26/03/2020           Repairs to dormer window in The Old Cement Factory              £543.00
(v)  27/03/2020           The Elms , Repointing - Interim Payment Number 1                  £10,450.00

3. Grass Cutting

Following a suggestion from the Facilities Manager, we have agreed that grass cutting should recommence at the playing field this week.  The task should not involve the staff being in contact with any member of the public and therefore is considered low risk.  The rationale is that if the grass is left for too long it will become unmanageable.

4. Soft Rock Café – East Beach

Peter Noel and Judith Shepard have agreed to the contents of a letter from Steve Postles detailing the logistics for the replacement building for the Soft Rock Café (aka the Kabin) when restrictions allow.

Peter Noel
Paul Oatway                                                                                                                                                               30th March 2020


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