Minutes of 20th November 2018


Present: Andy Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Chris Lakeman Fraser, Teresa Noel, Jo Seaman, Tim Sheward, Eden Thomson. 

1  Apologies: David Clifford, Simon Leech.

2 The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.  No interests were declared.

3  Minutes of last meeting, actions and matters arising

AB said that the article on the Open Forum had been sent to Shoreline.

Most actions arising from the workshop had been completed.   

Feedback on the Preamble had been passed to EP.  It was agreed that updating it is not urgent, and that in fact it was best completed when the rest of the plan had been finalised.

AB had some information re the covenants on land by the sewage works: the exclusion zone was more a guideline than law, so in principle the land could be built on if the owner wished to sell.

SL was going to amend his section but AB was not sure if this has been done yet.

Environment – ET now has a list of the flora and fauna in the parish; the Locality version of the Green Spaces form is being used; feedback on coastal defences (although not NP as such) has not been received yet.

AB has drafted the Business and Tourism section.

Housing – need to consider whether expert advice should be sought on the design aspect of housing; probably not as what is required is new houses “in keeping” with existing ones.

We need to decide on a “house style “ for the plan.  It was agreed that specialist advice on layout would be a good idea.  Ros Cole has offered to proof read.

AB met JW on 15.11.18 to discuss progress.

4  Open Forum

JS said that the format of the presentation will be similar to last time.

AB has drafted NP objectives – these need to be agreed.

Posters need to go out the first week in December.  TN will print these, including 50 fliers to go to Nisa, Morgans and the library.

TT will start putting it on facebook from beginning of December.

There will be a presentation of the Open Forum to the PC on 11.12.18 after the planning meeting.

It was agreed that we would have the draft policies displayed on the walls, with post- its and pens available for comments.  The policies need to be numbered.

SE will ask Lisa Tuck about borrowing the display boards.

ET will borrow projector and mic.

AB will possible draft an A5 sized leaflet update.

AB said that his wife, Chris (and hopefully with a helper) will deal with the refreshments.  SE will bring tea, coffee etc.

5  Draft Policy Meeting

It was agreed that a meeting was necessary to agreed on the contents of the draft policies – 28.11.18 at The Elms.  Any updates to be circulated beforehand if possible.   Each policy or group of policies should have context then the policy itself.  The presentation should focus mainly on the responses to the survey as evidence.

6  Feedback from Charmouth PC on Housing Policies

AB said that six members of the PC had taken copies of the draft housing policies; he has so far received some feedback from DC.

7  AOB

CLF said that relying on developers might not be enough to obtain affordable housing, that a group of interested residents might be needed to drive the process.  A recent edition of Countryfile had had an interesting piece on the subject of affordable homes in rural exception sites and which promoted NH Plans.

It was agreed we might need another meeting before Christmas to discuss the Open Forum.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.35pm. 


AB Andrew Bateman; DC David Clifford CPC; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Lakeman  Fraser; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel CPC; PO Paul Oatway CPC; JS Jo Seaman; Tim Sheward; ET Eden Thomson;  TT Tanya Trenholm.

(CPC – Charmouth Parish Councillor; NP Neighbourhood Plan)

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