Minutes 8th January 2020
Present: Andy Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Chris Lakeman Fraser, Teresa Noel, Tim Sheward, Eden Thomson
Apologies: Simon Leech
2 Business Interests
The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.
3 Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting (7.10.19) were agreed. Since that meeting a workshop and a review meeting have been held and therefore there were not many items from the minutes that were still to be completed.
4 Feedback and key issues on policies and 2nd draft of Plan
Paul Oatway Assets and Amenities – ET said this has been updated to take account of his comments; it will be necessary to go back to NC for the map be amended. She and SE are doing more work on the Wall, which will include creating a map of it.
Housing - TS is considering his comments on “working away from home” in the context of full-time residency. TN will do a rough calculation of the area of Hammonds Mead. TS has tried to speak to St Ives Council about the economic effect of banning second homes, but despite several attempts has had no response. The Parish Council has no objection in principle to the principal residency policy.
Jo Witherden AB said that JW’s update of the Basic Conditions is mostly positive but she has made some comments: she thought some of the Housing policies could be made more Charmouth-specific, and in Environment she entered the caveat at NE4 that she has not yet seen the final version of Local Green Spaces (LGS) to enable her to judge if they comply with the criteria. AB said that authors of each section need to cross-check their work against JW’s update and her comments.
Oliver Rendle ET said that OR’s Habitats Regulations Assessment requests additional wording in each Policy and she is considering whether this could be covered by including his proposals in the wider context of the chapter. AB said he would contact Oliver.
Reviewers Ros Cole and Charlotte Farmer are working their way through the 2nd draft and hope to provide feedback shortly.
Authors: We agreedto update each of our Sections by the next meeting.
5 Local Green Spaces
AB has taken a fresh look at LGS and written a new draft, which it was agreed works well. ET and SE will finalise the proposed list of LGSs and the appendix. AB will prepare letters.
6 Identify key priorities and timescales
· Immediate priority is to update and progress each section.
· Need to check Glossary and Abbreviations - ALL
· Dorset Council have sent a (long) list of consultees – any comments on this to AB.
· ET will send AB names of landowners re LGS.
· Need to identify any owner of land or property adjacent to the Wall.
· AB will prepare a letter to Car Park owners
· AB will draft an Executive Summary of the Plan which can also be used in leaflet form.
· Need to draft a form for comments on consultation.
· Need to deal with duplications in the text.
· Publicity to be considered at a later date.
· Establish how much evidence is needed at consultation stage.
Numbering as set out in Document Standards may need to be reconsidered at a later stage.
Green Audit still needs a bit of work done on it. ET to review.
The Contents list can be updated when Final Draft stage is reached.
8 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 30th January at 7pm in the Library.
AB Andrew Bateman; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Lakeman Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel CPC; PO Paul Oatway CPC; EP Elaine Phillips; JS Jo Seaman; Tim Sheward; ET Eden Thomson.
(CPC – Charmouth Parish Councillor; NP Neighbourhood Plan)