Minutes 7th October 2019
Present: Andy Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Teresa Noel; Tim Sheward, Eden Thomson.
Apologies: Beth Gillan, Steve Gillan, Simon Leech, Jo Seaman.
2 Business Interests
The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.
3 Minutes of last meeting, Actions and Matters Arising
The minutes of the meeting on 24th June were agreed.
AB noted that since June the Group had met on five occasions:
10th July to review Housing
24th July for SWOT workshop and to consider draft Document Standards
7th August to review Environment
21st August to review Heritage, Assets and Amenities and Green Spaces
4th September to review Getting Around and Local Economy.
Not all sections have been fully reviewed, and the Introduction has still to be discussed. Oliver Rendle (DC) should be able to do the Habitat Regulations Appraisal in mid-November, provided the policies have been finalised.
4 Review of Green Spaces
Green Spaces was reviewed. It was suggested that the format should be a table with standard headings, and the evidence in support contained in an Appendix. TN will check the hard copy NHPs which we have for good examples, and SE will look on line, and liaise with BG.
5 Status Update on each section
TS - Housing
V12 has a few changes, most of those being in H2 and H3. Nick Cardnell (NC) said that the Purbeck Plan was a good example, so TS has tried to follow that. After much discussion, it seems that NC now agrees that if a “holiday let only” restriction is removed, the premises can become a permanent residence. It was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting; TS will communicate with PO in the meantime.
ET – Environment
Vv8 has been tidied up and shortened, but the section on Coastal Defences needs more work. She has managed to obtain a copy of the Jurassic Park Plan.
AB – Getting Around and Supporting our Local Economy
An updated version of Getting Around has recently been issued and this section is nearly complete. Some changes have also been made to Local Economy.
Assets and Amenities
SL was unable to attend the meeting but had circulated an updated version. SE will put it into the agreed standard format.
TS noted that we still have to agree on abbreviations etc, and on a house style.
6 Shoreline Article
The article drafted by AB for Shoreline was discussed and agreed, with AB suggesting the addition of another paragraph with some detail about the policies that have been formulated on each topic. AB will amend and send it to Shoreline.
7 Way Forward
It was agreed that we need a detailed plan for the next stages. AB suggested a workshop where all the sections can be considered as a whole and we can identify what photos, maps, diagrams etc might be needed. Updated versions of Environment, Heritage and Assets need to be circulated, and ET will put the Environment Section photographs on a memory stick. AB will collate all of the draft sections of the Plan. This is required by the end of October to allow time for printing. TN will print a copy of the whole Plan for the workshop, which will be on Friday 8th November, 9-4pm at The Elms. (It’s hoped the whole day will not be needed!). The final policies will have to go back to NC for review.
AB is going to discuss a “call for sites”, which is being carried out by Dorset Council, at the PC meeting tomorrow at The Elms.
9 Date of next meeting
Workshop 8th November, 9am, The Elms.
AB Andrew Bateman; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Lakeman Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel CPC; PO Paul Oatway CPC; EP Elaine Phillips; JS Jo Seaman; Tim Sheward; ET Eden Thomson.
(CPC – Charmouth Parish Councillor; DC – Dorset Council; NP Neighbourhood Plan)