Minutes 25th January 2018
Present: Andy Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), David Clifford, Ros Cole, Jan Gale, Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Paul Oatway, Tim Sheward, Eden Thompson.
Apologies: Chris Lakeman Fraser, Jo Seaman, Tanya Trenholm.
The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
Actions/Matters Arising
AB said that AECOM had considered the further information supplied and have amended the housing needs assessment, which does identify a need. AB is arranging a meeting between members of the Group and a WDDC representative. PO observed that members of the Parish Council and representatives of the community land trust had met the WDDC two years ago, so some preliminary work had been done.
The qualitative analysis is nearly complete; the 29 separate reports, based on the analysis of 2693 comments, just need final editing and checking.
AB is still trying to trace the missing forms from the original street survey. Can all members please check whether they have the original forms.
Feedback on report from Jo Witherden (JW)
JW had prepared a report summarising the main qualitative reports covering land use, development etc, and has given a clear steer on aims, policies and several issues to be followed up, one of which being housing design. AB said that JW suggested going back to Locality (Government agency supporting NHPs) to look at housing design but AB said they needed us to make a ‘call for sites’ first. However they have advised there is a “cultural heritage’’ technical package available. AB will consult with JW.There was a call for sites by the district council in 2016 but none were forthcoming.
JW had suggested starting to draft policy statements now. TS said that doing this in three stages had proved useful. The first stage was a “brain dump”, just getting the basics on paper; the next stage was to unpick the meaning of key words, and the third stage was to write the statement in planning terms. Listing key definitions in an appendix saves having to repeat them in the text. A draft policy should be cross-referenced from the start with the policy in the Local Plan with which it complies.
It was agreed that the meeting with JW had been very useful. AB said that we do have funds to call on her again in this financial year should she be required.
Open Forum
The last Open Forum was in September and it was agreed that we are now ready to hold a further one with a presentation on the qualitative results and possibly housing issues. JS has offered to put a presentation together. Availability of the different halls in Charmouth is limited in March, and it was decided that the best option available is to use the village hall for the afternoon on either 10th or 17th March. (P.M.N. The village hall has now been booked on 10th March, 13.30-17.30)
Posters will be required fairly soon, to give people plenty of notice (AB,TN to discuss) and it was suggested that leaflets summarising the contents of the presentation should be available for distribution. It was agreed that a flood map should be obtained (SE). PO suggested that discussion of flood areas at the Forum, especially the situation at Riverway, could be useful. Delivery of the Parish Council’s display boards needs to be arranged. It was agreed that there should be a further meeting between now and the date of the Forum to discuss arrangements.
Meeting with WDDC
AB said that he is hoping to have a date for this soon and asked anyone interested in attending the meeting to let him know.
Writing Policies It was agreed that policies should be allocated to small groups, and that the first stage (“brain dump”) should be done and if possible emailed to everyone by the first meeting after the Open Forum. TS and AB will do housing; ET, RC and SE will do environment, including local green spaces; TN and JG to do business and employment needs, including tourism. Anyone not at the meeting please contact AB if they can help with drafting. PO offered to produce maps when required.
Issues which are outside the scope of the NP, Project Actions, will be passed to the Parish Council for discussion. Those issues that are agreed with the Parish Council will then be published as an appendix to the NP.
Service Providers questionnaire SE, JG and TT are working through a list of service providers to which names are still being added. SE will email everyone the current list and the questionnaire and asked for any additional suggestions. Please let SE know of questionnaires completed by someone not on the list so that work is not duplicated.
AB is giving a short presentation to the Lyme Regis Society next week; they are considering drawing up a NP.
PO said to liaise with Parish Council through him while DC is on extended leave.
ET and SE will be going to the AONB meeting on 20th March.
Next Meetings
Tuesday 20th February – meeting to discuss Open Forum arrangements. Now confirmed as 10am at The Elms.
Tuesday 27th March at the Library primarily to discuss draft policies.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.30pm.
AB Andrew Bateman; DC David Clifford; RC Ros Cole; PD Phil Davidson; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leech; NP Neighbourhood Plan; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel; PO Paul Oatway; AR Adrian Ragbourne; ET Eden Thomson; TT Tanya Trenholm;