Minutes 19th June 2018
Present: Andrew Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), David Clifford, Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Tim Sheward, Eden Thomson.
1 Apologies: Chris Lakeman Fraser, Paul Oatway, Jo Seaman, Tanya Trenholm.
The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.
Members were sorry to hear from AB that Jan Gale has stepped down from the Group. He thanked her for all the work she has done, and it was agreed that she will be missed.
2 Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting were approved, subject to two minor amendments.
3 Matters Arising
SE said that references to specific topics in the NP minutes can be found by going into the Parish Council website and typing the topic into the Search box. This does not work for Parish Council minutes, which are uploaded differently.
4 Review of progress on main workstreams
SL (Village Assets) spoke to his document “Charmouth - The Built Environment – Assets and Amenities” and asked for any amendments or additions to be emailed to him. The war memorial and Fernhill Hotel were suggested, as was a reference to the conservation area. The Pavey Group may be a source for the history of the bridge.
EP (Preamble to NP) is currently looking at the introduction to the NP, reviewing other NPs. She plans to issue a draft in the next few weeks.
AB and TS (Housing) will be meeting members of CPC for an informal discussion of the housing policy they have drafted. AB said that they had tried to use phraseology that matched the Local Plan and other local NPs (Fontmell Magna, Piddle Valley, Loders etc). Any feedback on the draft policies would be welcome. He noted that Mevagissey were planning to include a primary residence clause and avoid more second homes.
TN (Business & Employment) said that progress had been slow, as JG is no longer involved, but that it is now picking up. SL and TS offered to help. AB said that EP may be able to help later but was presently working on the introduction.
ET (Environment) said that she and SE were making progress. They have walked around Charmouth gathering information and taking photographs of assets, possible building sites and green spaces (some of which are small but valuable eg the lane between the beach huts and Higher Sea Lane). There is a lot of interest in protecting the natural environment and the historic feel of the village, as well as a wish to encourage wildlife. The reedbed, for example, is frequently mentioned by residents, but also by people returning to the village on holiday. It may be necessary to do another small piece of work to evidence these opinions. Some of the suggestions about wildlife could be the basis for a VIP.
SE (Service Providers) said that little progress had been made in analysing the results of the Service Providers Survey. AB said that JW had explained that a chart with criteria down the side and the providers across the top is the best way to analyse the information. The providers could then be mapped on to the village, showing their relative importance to the village.
5 NHP Programme
AB has updated the programme, and it was agreed that the timescale would stay as set out even if it has to change at a later date. It was agreed that a workshop would be useful to talk about how the Plan will come together and who would do which tasks AB will discuss tis with JS.
6 West Dorset Local Plan
WDDC has amended the Local Plan and consultation is being sought before the Plan is made. AB has circulated a document prepared by JW identifying the main changes that are proposed.
TS said that the housing needs assessment is at odds with the Local Plan, as revised. We need to ensure that our policies are consistent with the proposed amended Local Plan. County Council planning views do change, and our NP will have to change too. One area’s NP includes a project to review housing needs on an annual basis, so that the Plan can be amended if necessary without going to consultation/referendum again.
It is uncertain whether the Unitary change will affect planning.
AB had attended a Planning Committee meeting. DC is now Chair of that Committee. The main item on the agenda, from a Neighbourhood Plan point of view, was the historic landfill site to the north of The Street and east of Catherston Lane.
AB said that all applications to fell trees in the conservation area go to DCC; the application to fell two trees in Higher Sea Lane had been approved.
In response to a query about the lease for the beach café, it was stated that the lease has just been renewed.
8 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 24th July at The Elms. (Now at the library, as the Elms was not available)
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.50pm
AB Andrew Bateman; DC David Clifford (CPC, observer); PD Phil Davidson; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Lakeman Fraser; JG Jan Gale; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carol Girling; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel (CPC, observer); PO Paul Oatway (CPC, observer); EP Elaine Phillips; JS Jo Seaman; TS Tim Sheward; ET Eden Thomson; TT Tanya Trenholm; JW Jo Witherden.
CPC Charmouth Parish Councillor; NP Neighbourhood Plan; VIP Village Improvement Project.