Minutes 16th April 2019
Present: Andy Bateman (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Chris Lakeman Fraser, Simon Leech, Tim Sheward, Eden Thomson.
1 Teresa Noel, Paul Oatway, Jo Seaman
2 The Chair reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting. No interests were declared.
3 Minutes of the last meeting, actions and matters arising
The minutes of the last meeting have yet to be finalised.
4 Discuss Jo Witherden’s comments and responses
There was much discussion about the comments received from JW. AB pointed out that at this stage JW was looking only at the policies, not the surrounding text. Many of her responses have been accepted and incorporated into the amended drafts, while other issues will require further discussion at the meeting with her on 24th April; AB will send feedback on this to JW in advance. JW has identified areas of overlap between different sections which will need to be resolved at a later date.
5 AONB response
It was agreed that the response received by ET from AONB was very useful; elements from it will be included in the next draft.
6 SWOT Analysis
It was agreed that the SWOT analysis should be done at a later date, when it would be useful to cross-reference the analysis with the evidence.
7 Finance Update
AB reported that there is £784.43 remaining from the Locality budget of £4460 received last August. This balance must either be handed back or spent before a further grant will be made. There is an underspend on printing because it was anticipated we would be printing the draft Plan. An additional bid to Locality will have to be made at some stage.
CLF said that, concerning village assets, the Charmouth Medical practice will not be amalgamating with Lyme Regis practices, as had been thought, and it seems certain to continue after the retirement of both Dr Beckers. Sadly though, Charmouth Post Office is scheduled to close next month – a loss of an important village asset.
With reference to affordable housing, it was noted by CLF that Nationwide have started to build houses again. An article in the Guardian about the Nationwide widening its scope from providing mortgages to actually getting back to building houses. Unlike many developers, in a not-for-profit venture in Swindon, it set out to find out what local people needed. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2019/apr/06/nationwide-gets-back-to-its-roots-by-building-homes
CLF also reported that a recent edition of the Marshwood magazine had an interesting article by Ros Dickinson about a farmer who had sold land at a reduced price to facilitate the building of starter homes through Marshwood Community Land Trust. He’s an example of a public-spirited individual that would be worth searching for in relation to affordable housing in Charmouth.
AB was pleased to report that he and Eden have held a meeting with Steve and Bethan Gillan, who are rejoining the Steering Group and will be undertaking the work on Green Spaces.
TS highlighted the need to keep the momentum going by meeting the local authority: he suggested asking JW who it would be best to meet so that an appointment can be made.
Regarding the Service Provider Report, AB asked if they were any comments? General view was that in the conclusion it could be better balanced. AB will amend and reissue.
9 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 20th May at 7.00 pm (venue to be confirmed).
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.30pm.
AB Andrew Bateman; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Lakeman Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel CPC; PO Paul Oatway CPC; EP Elaine Phillips; JS Jo Seaman; Tim Sheward; ET Eden Thomson.
(CPC – Charmouth Parish Councillor; NP Neighbourhood Plan)