Open Forum Presentation 25th February
Below is a copy of the powerpoint presentation delivered to residents at the Open Forum on the 25th February 2017. If you wish to find out more about the presentation please don't hesitate to contact us. Please note, to zoom in on any of the images just click on the image.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
- It's a Planning document drawn up by the local community.
- The Plan is built on evidence base and outcomes of community engagement
- You say how long it will last (10/15/20 years)
- Sets the Vision & Aims initially supported by policies and proposals.
- Can allocate sites for development, development boundaries, and spaces or places to be protected.
- Has to be in line with strategic policies (National and Local), must contribute to sustainable development and be compatible with EU obligations! These are called ‘basic conditions’.
- The Plan gets independently examined and voted on by residents of Charmouth after consultation.
- It has a real legal force
What a Neighbourhood Plan Isn't
- The Plan cannot go against the Strategic Planning Policies.
- The Plan should not be contrary to WDDC’s Local Plan but does provide more local detail.
- Neighbourhood Plan has little to do with Parish Plans but has advantages in that it enables the community to take the lead
- The Plan is not all about the development of housing and carries weight when considering planning decisions
- It doesn’t mean, necessarily, that what’s in the Plan will happen, its reflective of the village’s aspirations. ‘It’s a means to an end not the end itself!’
Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan Area

The Stages
Stage | Typical |
Parish Council Approval | |
Early Engagement | 20 months |
Plan Drafting | 4 months |
Consultation and Amendments | 5 months |
Parish Council Approval | -- |
Getting Ready for Submission | 4 months |
Examination | 7 months |
Consideration of Report | 1 month |
Referendum | 3 months |
Adoption | 1 month |
TOTAL | 45 months |
Where are we now
- Main focus recently has been putting together a detailed Survey, this will be delivered to every household and business in the village
- This survey is an initial community engagement
- The survey is to seek your views on a broad range of issues, in the following areas:
- Vision
- Natural Environment
- Tourism
- Transport
- Community Facilities
- Housing
- Employment
- A pamphlet will also be issued providing contact details and a draft vision
Next Steps
- Survey will be issued next week to every household and business. If you haven’t received one by the end of next week, you can get a copy atMorgans or the Library
- Another Open Forum is planned for Saturday 11th March to discuss any issues on the Survey and Neighbourhood Plan in general
- Survey responses required by 31st March and results will then be analysed
- Feedback from the Survey will be given in late summer
- It is expected the results will identify areas for more in depth study and greater focus.
Information and Contacts
- A Neighbourhood Planning website has been set up for Charmouth:
- will ‘go live’ week. This site will migrate to in the near future.
- Following members on are on the Planning Committee: Carole Girling (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Andy Bateman, David Clifford, Ros Cole, Chris Lakeman Fraser, Beth Gillan, Steve Gillan, Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Peter Noel, Adrian Ragbourne, Eden Thomson and Tanya Trenholm
- You can contact us by email:
- Or by telephone 07594653341
Copy of Powerpoint Presentation
Posted on February 28th 2017