Archive for 2021
Charmouth NHP approved by Dorset Council
Posted by Charmouth Neighbourhood Planning on November 24th 2021
Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan was approved by Dorset Council on 19th November 2021 and will now proceed to a Referendum. The start of the Referendum period must be at least 28 working days before the vote takes place. Details of the date and venue for the Referendum will follow shortly. The final version of the Plan can be viewed on this website, titled: 'Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan - Final Version'.
Posted by Charmouth Neighbourhood Planning on November 11th 2021
Following the public consultation of the Plan in June/July 2021, the Examiner carried out his examination of the Plan and supporting documents. His final report, which can be viewed in the Documents 'tab', was submitted on the 28th October 2021. The Plan has subsequently been updated to reflect the changes recommended in his report and submitted to Dorset Council for their approval.
Posted by Charmouth Neighbourhood Planning on June 19th 2021
Dorset Council has issued formal notification that Charmouth Neighbourhood Plan is out for public consultation from Friday 18 June until the end of Friday 30 July 2021 (6 week period), so people are able to comment on the content of the plan or how it was produced. Any concerns submitted during the consultation period will be passed on to the independent examiner for consideration. The plan and supporting documents can be viewed online via the following link:
Submission of Neighbourhood Plan to Dorset Council
Posted by Charmouth Neighbourhood Planning on May 25th 2021
Following the 6 week consultation (i.e. pre-submission stage) of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, the document has been amended and presented to Parish Council for their approval. The amended Plan can be viewed under 'Submission of Neighbourhood Plan to Dorset Council'. A Consultation Statement, which includes a summary of comments received during the pre-submission stage, can be found in the Documents 'tab'. The Plan will now be submitted to Dorset Council for a further six-week consultation followed by an examination by an Independent Examiner.