6th February 2017
Present: Andy Bateman (Acting Chair), Carole Girling (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Chris Fraser, Paul Oatway, Adrian Ragbourne, Eden Thomson, Tanya Trenholm, Simon Williams (Footprint Futures – Planning & Regeneration).
Apologies: David Clifford, Ros Cole, Phil Davidson, Beth Gillan, Steve Gillan, Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Peter Noel.
2. Open Forum (10am-2pm 25.02.17)
AB welcomed Simon Williams (SW), of Footprint Futures, to the meeting.
There was discussion about how the event, an Open Forum to launch the Survey, with separate presentations from Lyme Forward on the Seafront Project, will work.
It was agreed that the presentations by the Group (AB & CG) and by Lyme Forward (SW) would be held in the club room. Each presentation would last approximately 30 minutes, including Q & A afterwards, and there will be a 15 minute gap before the next, starting with SW at 10.30am. SE will check availability of a screen.
SW offered posters for the event and it was agreed that, in particular, a neighbourhood plan process map would be very useful. PO will check whether some display boards at The Elms could be transported to and from the Hall by a member of Council staff. SE will ask WDDC if they can provide an A2 OS map of the parish for display. There will be banners on the front of the tables, which will have pamphlets and copies of the Survey (not to be taken away) on them. Posters advertising the Forum are already up.
It was agreed that attendance should be recorded as evidence and that some photographs should be taken of the event.
ET, with help from TT, will start an A-Z of Charmouth’s features to engage any children who attend, and which can be added to in the future.
There will be a large banner outside the Hall and an A board on The Street to help publicise the event.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided – SE will buy these.
AB asked for as many members as possible to be at the Hall at 9am for setting up, and at 2pm for clearing away.
In other discussion, SW said that the Group should be eligible for a locality grant, and he will send AB the relevant paperwork. SE reported that there is £287.33 remaining of the funding provided by the parish council.
AB thanked SW for his contribution to the meeting.
3. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
Survey: The printing costs of the survey and pamphlet have been authorised.
AB and ET have finalised the survey, taking into account most of the comments received.
TN has provided a list of roads – we will be delivering to approximately 900 households. There does not seem to be any complete list of all the properties in the parish, so there will be posters following distribution saying where to obtain a copy of the survey for anyone who has been missed.
AB will make up bundles for each delivery route. These can be collected from the Hall on 25th.
Delivery will be during week commencing 27th February. The survey should not be delivered to holiday lets, where these can be identified. Businesses are included, but the number of copies to be left at each will vary.
Answerphone: now set up. The number is 07594653341.
Website: Funding is now authorised, and it is being built; SE is liaising with the Clerk’s office about putting on the minutes. The web address has to be clarified (AB, PO). A decision will have to be made about which Group members will be able to manage the website; training will be provided for them within the agreed cost.
4. Open Forum 11th March
It was agreed that this would be a drop-in session about filling in the survey. AB, SE, TT, AR, and TT can attend – and hopefully other members of the Group. Posters should be put up after the survey has been delivered asking “Have you completed the survey?” and advertising the Forum.
5. Events/Actions
It was agreed that we should be able to publish feedback from the survey within 6 months.
It was agreed that RC should be asked to advise at the next meeting on how the results should be collated.
The Draw will be held some time after the survey closing date (31st March). PO suggested the Parish Council AGM on 24th May as a suitable venue.
6. Any Other Business
AB reported that there will be articles in Shoreline, View From and the Lyme News.
TT said that a facebook page would be an effective way to reach people. It was agreed that she would set one up, with a link to the Charmouth Notice Board.
7. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 6th April 2017 in the Library.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.25pm.
AB Andrew Bateman; DC David Clifford; RC Ros Cole; PD Phil Davidson; SE Sarah Edwards; CF Chris Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel; PO Paul Oatway; AR Adrian Ragbourne; ET Eden Thomson; TT Tanya Trenholm;