5th May 2016
Present: Carole Girling (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Ros Cole, Beth Gillan, Steve Gillan, Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Eden Thomson, Chris Lakeman Fraser
Apologies: Andy Bateman, Paul Oatway, David Clifford, Phil Davidson, Adrian Ragbourne, Jeff Prosser, Tanya Trenhom, Peter Noel (who was available to attend if requested).
The Chairman reminded members of the requirement under the Terms of Reference to declare any interest in any item on the agenda or in any topic that arises during the meeting.
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising
CG said that she had given a short presentation at the Parish Council AGM.
CG said that she has contact details for an expert (Jo Witherdon), who may attend the next meeting.
ET reported that Terry Sweeney (a member of the Uplyme Steering Group) will be meeting the environment subgroup to talk about their methodology in compiling the Plan in general and particularly the environment section.
ET said that, although the subgroups had been asked to prepare draft questions in advance of the meeting, the environment subgroup felt that there needed to be more discussion about the areas to be covered – there may well be gaps as well as overlapping topics. Areas to be covered by this subgroup included the foreshore and cliff, footpaths, verges, wild areas, hedgerows, the river, climate change and conservation. The coastal communities team had done a lot of work, which AR was going to talk about this evening, but he had unfortunately been called away. It was important not to rush the drafting process as the questionnaire needed to be comprehensive. She pointed out that not all the subgroups had representatives present.
CG felt that it was important to get the questionnaire out, as it would provide feedback from the village, although there would also be feedback from the planned roadshows.
SG spoke to the draft questions produced by the facilities subgroup. He said that the questions were quite basic, but they felt they captured what was needed. He suggested that the questionnaire had a covering letter asking people to be specific in their responses.
TN spoke to the draft questions produced by the demographics and housing subgroup. It was agreed that there is a need to define the terms used in discussing housing. TN said that she could produce a graph showing changes and trends in housing over the past 10 years. At present only 3% of housing in Charmouth is buy to let.
There was a general discussion about the purpose, format and distribution of the questionnaire:
How to capture the many small groups in Charmouth? RC pointed out that Charmouth Library could provide a list of them.
Who is the questionnaire for – residents, visitors…? It was generally agreed that it was primarily for residents but it should take into account the views of visitors because Charmouth is a holiday destination.
Should it be anonymous, but with a front sheet asking whether the person completing the form is a permanent resident, second home owner, visitor etc and then asking for personal detail –age, gender, employment, time in village etc – of the people whose views are expressed?
How to obtain the views of people who work in Charmouth but live elsewhere?
Who in a family should complete the questionnaire? Should members of a family fill out separate sheets? (but would that make each questionnaire too long?) Should there be a separate questionnaire for children? Or should one copy go to each house, with extra copies available for family members who want to complete their own?
In relation to format, it was suggested that using different colours/styles for each section would help to make it more attractive.
There was some discussion about the questionnaire issued by the Parish Council 2010 and the Parish Plan which followed it. Although there was little action taken subsequently, there is some good data in it. CG has asked PO to clarify the Parish Plan.
SE had heard that the Parish Council had invited Catherston to join the Neighbourhood Plan but Catherston had declined – were the Parish Council planning to ask other neighbouring parishes etc Stanton St Gabriel?
It was agreed that expert advice should be obtained, and that there should be a test run of the final draft, using friends or family who know the village.
ET pointed out that now PD is advising the transport and tourism subgroup, rather than leading it, AR is effectively working on his own.
The date of the next meeting is to be fixed. (Subsequently arranged for Thursday 16th June at 7.30 in the Community Hall).
The meeting ended at 9.15pm.
AB Andrew Bateman; ABr Alan Brownjohn; DC David Clifford; RC Ros Cole; LC Lorna Cowan; PD Phil Davidson; SE Sarah Edwards; SF Simon Farrington; CF Chris Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel; PO Paul Oatway; JP Jeff Prosser; AR Adrian Ragbourne; BR Bernard Rogers; ET Eden Thomson; TT Tanya Trenholm; TW Tim Warin